Christopher Whitt, OES President As we approach half-way through 2022, we are continuously working on ways the Society can help us each to connect with…

VPTA Column (June 2022)
Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE OES OES colleagues, One great news that I would like to share with you all is that…

From the Vice President for Workshops & Symposia
Fausto Ferreira, Vice President for W&S We are now almost in the middle of 2022 and while we had only one major conference (besides OCEANS…

OCEANS Conferences 2022 and beyond
John Watson, OES Vice-President for OCEANS The OCEANS 2022 Chennai conference has now been and gone. This was the first time that OCEANS reached out…

From the Journal Editor’s desk: IEEE Journal of Engineering Early Access Papers (June 2022)
Mandar Chitre, Journal Editor-in Chief Congratulations to the authors of our most recently approved papers for the IEEE JOE. The following papers were published as…
Awards for OES members (June 2022)
Contact the editors with your submissions. The official IEEE Milestone plaque has arrived to Sandy Williams 3rd at WHOI. Congratulations! As introduced in the BEACON…

OCEANS 2022 Chennai – A brief report
Nidhi Varshney on behalf of LoC, Photographers G. Pannerselvam and A. Ranjan Introduction OCEANS 2022 Chennai was the most sought-after event after long COVID…

OTC 2022 Distinguished Awards Celebration
Jerry Carroll, IEEE/OES PAST PRESIDENT: IEEE/OES OTC BOARD REP Both OTC 2022 and OTC Asia were a great success this year because of the hard…

Technology Committee on Underwater Acoustics: standard OCEANS technical topics
Kenneth G Foote, Chair of Underwater Acoustics As a reminder, standard OCEANS technical topics for the Technology Committee on Underwater Acoustics are the following. UNDERWATER…

A Blast from the Past! . . . A Look to the Future!
Bob Wernli – Beacon Co-Editor-in-Chief and Photographer Stan Chamberlain OCEANS 2012 Hampton Roads provided a “springboard” from the east coast to OCEANS 2013 San Diego…

Who’s Who In The IEEE OES – Manu Ignatius
Manu Ignatius, IEEE OES Member, OES Singapore Chapter Chair; CEO, Subnero Having spent my entire childhood in the coastal state of Kerala, southern India, I…

First Call for OES Distinguished Lecturers 2023-25
Nominations close on July 31, 2022 Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE OES The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) invites nominations for OES…

Welcome to our YP BOOST and WIE PROPEL Laureates
Brandy Armstrong, VP Professional Activities Roberto Petroccia, YP Liaison Hari Vishnu, Earthzine Editor As I begin my second term as your VP of Professional activities,…
From the Vice President for Workshops & Symposia (March 2022)
Fausto Ferreira, Vice President for W&S As mentioned in the last Beacon, the Guidelines for Workshops & Symposia Organization have been updated and approved. Thanks…

OCEANS Conferences 2022
John Watson, OES Vice-President for OCEANS By the time you read this OCEANS 2022 Chennai (https://chennai22.oceansconference.org ) will, in all probability, be over. The impact…

From the Journal Editor’s desk: IEEE Journal of Engineering Early Access Papers (March 2022)
Mandar Chitre, Journal Editor-in Chief Congratulations to the authors of our most recently approved papers for the IEEE JOE. The following papers were published as…
From the OES Webmaster -New IEEE OES Wikipedia Site
Steve Holt, OES Webmaster The IEEE OES has now had its presence on Wikipedia updated with the latest information. It begins with a description of our…
Hanumant Singh – Elevation to IEEE Fellow in 2021
Milica Stojanovic, OES Distinguished Lecturer When not on the ocean for work, Hanu enjoys the ocean for kitesurfing. We are delighted to announce that a…
Request for Nominations for OES Awards 2022
Jerry Carroll, Chair of IEEE/OES Nominations and Appointments Committees Each year at the beginning of January, the Oceanic Engineering Society is proposing a call for…

From your Chapter Coordinator (March 2022)
Gerardo “Gerry” Acosta, OES Chapter Coordinator Good to get in touch with you to tell you about the recent Chapters Chairs meetings we have recently…

Chapter News (March 2022)
Submit Chapter news to Beacon Co-Editors and OES Chapter Coordinator Providence Chapter Technical Talk “General Overview of Offshore Wind” Reported by David Leslie, Chapter Secretary…

Underwater Robot Competition @ Techno-Ocean2021
Co-chairs: Masakazu Arima (Osaka Prefecture University) and Kazuo Ishii (Kyushu Institute of Technology) Introduction The Underwater Robot Competition was held at Kobe Port Island Sports…

2021 International Symposium on Ocean Technology (SYMPOL 2021)
Supriya M.H., Chairperson, SYMPOL 2021 Arun A. Balakrishnan, Coordinator, SYMPOL 2021 Introduction The 2021 International Symposium on Ocean Technology (SYMPOL 2021), addressing the Global Oceans,…
VPTA Column (March 2022)
Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE OES OES colleagues, We have stepped into another year and wish that it would be a better…

Ocean Remote Sensing Technology Committee
Ferdinando Nunziata, Paolo de Matthaeis, René Garello The Ocean Remote Sensing TC is now led by Ferdinando Nunziata, Università di Napoli Parthenope, Napoli, Italy, and…