2019 Institution/Company Award: Xylem (formerly Aanderaa)

Xylem (formerly Aanderaa) is presented the Company/Institution Award for its enduring and continued contributions to the goals of the Society in advancing ocean research science and technology.
Jon Fajans and Matt Previte receives the OES Company/Institution Award on behalf of Xylem
Xylem (formerly Aanderaa) is a leading global water technology company with approximately 17,000 employees in 50 countries, with operations in more than 150 countries.
Aanderaa Data Instruments AS, a Xylem brand, headquartered in Bergen, Norway, designs, manufactures and delivers sensors, instruments and systems for measuring and monitoring in demanding environments.
Aanderaa is known for its ability to develop uncompromising state-of-the-art instrumentation that is both reliable and robust for long term observations of the marine environment.
Their most important markets are universities and research institutions, oil and gas industries, aquaculture, coastal and harbour operators, road and traffic administration and construction business. They are a market leader in several of market segments. More information is available on www.aanderaa.com
IEEE OES Company/Institution Award
Description. The award will be presented to a corporation or institution that has significantly supported the activity and goals of OES through such areas as conference participation, patronage, technical innovation and technical or administrative participation. A call for nominations will be issued by the Awards Committee, which will choose the recipient.
Administration. Administered by the Oceanic Engineering Society
Eligibility. No criterion other than the ones listed in the description section. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.
Prize Items. Laminated Certificates Plaque
Frequency: Annual. The award will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified.
Funds. Potential cost of a conference registration, lodging and travel for the recipient if not already a registrant of the conference where the award is presented. The society’s budget includes the expenses for this award and the Society budget is net positive with the inclusion of the award.
Nominee Solicitation. The OES Awards Committee will issue a call for nominees.
Awards Committee. The Panel for the Company/Institution Award shall be the Junior Past President as Chair, the Senior Past President, the Vice-President for Professional Activities, and another Past President. The Chair may select other members to the Awards Committee according to their qualification for this particular Award.
Schedule. The call for nomination is issued at the end of March and closes at the end of May. The recipient is chosen by the end of June.
Selection/Basis for Judging. The Awards Committee requests a nomination form providing the listing of qualifications of the nominee relevant to the award criteria.
Presentation. The Award will be presented at the Fall OCEANS conference.
Publicity. The call shall be publicized in the Society Newsletter, The Beacon; the Society’s website, the Society’s LinkedIn page; and other Society media. The announcement shall also be forwarded to other professional publications, both physical and virtual.
Past Recipients of the IEEE OES Institution/Company Award
The award will be presented to a corporation or institution that has significantly supported the activity and goals of OES through such areas as conference participation, patronage, technical innovation and technical or administrative participation. A call for nominations will be issued by the Awards Committee, which will choose the recipient.
2019 | Xylem (formerly Aanderaa) |
2018 | Brest Métropole |
2017 | Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology – JAMSTEC |
2016 | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) |
2015 | Kongsberg Maritime |
2014 | Bluefin Robotics |