Women in Engineering (WIE)
IEEE Women in Engineering is an organization within the IEEE to to facilitate the global recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines. The OES is just one of many IEEE Societies who designate liaisons to WIE. The OES has been exploring how it can help WIE achieve its mission. Students seemed like a good place to start. The OES has funded students to attend it’s premier OCEANS conference. Our latest candidate writes about her experience. Keep an eye on WIE’s web page and Facebook stream for future OCEANS opportunities. For more information about WIE, visit http://www.ieee.org/women.
WIE Propel
The IEEE/OES Women in Engineering (WIE) liaison invites members of IEEE OES who are also WIE affiliate members to participate in the leadership of the society by attending the meetings, being involved in the diverse committees, and helping to promote women engineers and scientists at the OCEANS conferences and other OES events. The program will provide an opportunity to the WIE propel awardees to represent and advocate for WIE at OES events, giving them exposure and experience, and opportunity for career advancement.
The IEEE/OES “WIE-PROPEL” program will consist of recruiting 2 new OES WIE affinity members every year, for a total of 4 representatives for a given year when in permanent regime. Candidates will be chosen for 2023 and will attend and participate in OCEANS 2023 Limerick, Ireland (hybrid conference with virtual and in person events) and OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast, USA. In the first year the 2 chosen candidates will also attend the Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference to develop leadership skills to aid them in the remainder of their term.
The duration of this program for each selected candidate will be 2 years, corresponding to 4 OCEANS conferences, with travel and registration completely covered financially by OES when funding is available. Due to Society budget restraints and travel restrictions caused by the global fall out of Covid-19, attendance may be virtual.
The selected candidates to this program will develop their relationship with the WIE Liaison, Executive and Administrative committee members, and other professional and student members, expanding their network and providing an opportunity for mentorship and career growth while increasing support of all Women in Engineering within the Oceanic Engineering Society. Candidates are expected to:
• actively implement the WIE pledge to work toward “gender-diversified panels at all IEEE OES meetings, conferences and events.”
• actively participate in OCEANS including working with the WIE Liaison to plan a WIE panel and networking event
• compile a list of existing resources for planning inclusive scientific meetings for use by IEEE OES volunteers when organizing conferences, workshops and symposia
• proactively promote women’s participation in Ocean Engineering
• give two talks a year in a geographic region of the candidates choice promoting WIE
• submit at least one article per year to either the Beacon, Earthzine or an IEEE publication where they highlight their experience as a WIE propel candidate.
How to Apply
Application for the class of 2024-2025 is now open. Applications will close on December 15, 2023. To apply, please submit a Curriculum Vitae and letter of application [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdX8Zg9cYdROfhHjZMoGOYsFfycjrJ6t8-QjN6T3HbckEEwRQ/viewform] (word document or pdf) showing your motivation and describing how and where you propose to be involved in supporting WIE (2 pages), including previous experience working to support women in engineering/STEAM, existing committees and events you propose to be involved in, and ideas for new ways to support women in OES and at OCEANS. For that, you can study the organization of the society to select one or several committees you are interested in working with or contact the WIE Liaison for additional information on OES WIE activities.
Dr. Farheen Fauziya as the WIE Liaison for WIE-Propel program
Dr. Fauziya finished her PhD in “Vector sensor based Underwater Acoustic Communications” at IIT Delhi in February 2020. Her specialty is in Signal Processing, Haptic communication, and the theoretical aspects of wireless communications. Currently, she works at ECTL, where she designs an architecture to smoothly incorporate haptics into a unified communications platform. She has published three journal papers and ten conference papers, nine of which are in the respected IEEE/MTS OCEANS conferences. In addition, one was even accepted as a student poster competition in OCEANS’17 Aberdeen.
She has been an active member of IEEE OES, presenting her work at conferences and increasing her participation at each event. On top of that, she has chaired sessions, judged student poster completion, and reported on social media. During her graduation, she established three student branch chapters at her institute (IEEE OES, MTS, and IEEE WIE affinity group student chapter) and served as chapter chair. For the past five years, she has been the IEEE OES WIE liaison, contributing to the cause of women in STEM. She is a part of the governance committee of IEEE WIE leadership committee and IEEE corporate innovation award committee. She has been an associate editor for Earthzine and is currently the co-chair of IEEE OES student branch chapter chair. She has organized and moderated WIE breakfast panels at IEEE OCEANS Conference and is also part of IEEE OES WIE Propel program. In her free time, she likes to read, travel, and explore new places. She keeps up with the latest developments in her field, believing in the power of education and loves to share her knowledge with her peers. She is passionate about mentoring and helping young minds in their career and educational goals.
Dr. Fauziya is also on the IEEE WIE Committee, and is also a member of the OES AdCom and the IEEE Innovation Award Committee.
WIE-PROPEL Laureates 2024–2025
WIE-PROPEL Laureates 2023–2024
WIE-PROPEL Laureates 2022–2023
IEEE OES Liaison to Women in Engineering
Farheen Fauziya (2018-present)
Brandy Armstrong (2015-2018)
Marinna Martini (2013-2015)
Barbara Fletcher
Articles of Interest:
- WIE PROPEL Laureates for 2024-2025
- Women in Science and Engineering – Take-home messages from the WIE panel at OCEANS 2022 Hampton Roads
- There’s still time to apply to WIE PROPEL!
- WIE@OCEANS 2022 Chennai
- Intro Giulia De Masi – WIE Propel Laureate
- Welcome to our YP BOOST and WIE PROPEL Laureates
- Incredible Women in Engineering Programs at Virtual OCEANS 2020
- Professional Activities, Gone Virtual
- Who’s who in the OES – September 2020
- Student Committee Activities IEEE OES – Escuela Superior Politecnica Del Litoral