JOE Editorial Board

JOE Editorial Board

von Ellenrieder, Karl
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Chitre, Mandar
Chapman, N. Ross
de Moustier, Christian
Lynch, James
Spindel, Robert



Anwar, Saeed
Machine learning; Image Processing; Computer Vision
King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals
Saudi Arabia
Atmanand, M.A.
Ocean Resource Exploration; Ocean Energy; Ocean Observation Systems; Underwater Vehicles
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
Bachmayer, Ralf
Marine Robotics; AUV Underwater Gliders; USV Systems Dynamics Control
University of Bremen
Barclay, David
Acoustical oceanography, underwater noise, acoustic remote sensing, ocean acoustic instrumentation
Dalhousie University, Canada
Brekke, Edmund
Target Tracking, Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), Inertial Navigation, Collision Avoidance, Autonomous Vehicles
Norwegian University of Science & Technology
Chotiros, Nicholas
Seafloor Acoustics and Geoacoustics; Models and Measurements
University of Texas, Austin
Cochenour, Brandon
Underwater Optical Communications, Networking, Imaging, and Sensing;
U.S. Office of Naval Research Global – Tokyo, Japan
Cong, Runmin
Underwater image/video processing, computer vision, and machine learning
Shandong University
Costanzi, Riccardo
Marine Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Navigation, Cooperation, Perception, Underwater Computational Vision
University of Pisa, Italy
Cruz, Nuno
AUV design, underwater navigation, acoustic navigation, and adaptive sampling
Universidade do Porto
De Masi, Giulia
Collective intelligence, underwater multi-robot systems, swarm robotics, machine learning, optimization, statistical modelling, complex networks
Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Del Pizzo, Silvio
Underwater photogrammetry, underwater image processing, trajectory/path planning, navigation and localization
University of Naples Parthenope
Diamant, Roee
Signal processing, signal detection, object detection, localization, navigation, sonar signal processing, time synchronization, & marine observatories
University of Haifa
Englot, Brendan
Robotics, Autonomous Navigation, Dynamics and Control, Planning and Decision-Making, Acoustic Imaging and Ranging
Stevens Institute of Technology
Ferreira, Fausto
Marine robotics; Localization and mapping; Underwater image processing; Sonar processing; Machine learning
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia
Foote, Kenneth
Fisheries Acoustics; Underwater Sound; Sonar Calibration
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Gill, Eric
High frequency radar, ocean remote sensing, and electromagnetic scattering models
Memorial University
Gomes, Joao
Underwater Acoustic Communications; Signal Processing
Instituo Superior Tecnico
Guo, Chunle
Machine learning; Image Processing; Computer Vision
Nankai University
Haller, Merrick
Physical Oceanography, Waves, Currents, and Radar Remote Sensing
Oregon State University
Hayes, Michael
Synthetic Aperture Sonar; Sidescan Sonar, Array Signal
University of Canterbury
New Zealand
He, Wei
Marine Cybernetics, Control Systems, Marine Structures, Robotics
University of Science & Technology Beijing
Huang, Weimin
Electromagnetic scattering, radar signal processing, remote sensing
Memorial University
Hunter, Alan
Synthetic Aperture and Array Processing, Fourier Acoustics, Sonar Imaging, Passive Acoustic Monitoring, Underwater Navigation and Autonomy
University of Bath
United Kingdom
Illig, DavidUnderwater image/video processing, underwater computer vision, machine learning


Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division
Li, Chongyi
Underwater image processing, computer vision, and machine learning
Nankai University,
Li, Guoyuan
Areas of expertise: Machine Learning for Ship Autonomy, Ship Motion Control and Prediction, Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems
Norwegian University of Science & Technology
Li, Hua
Computer Vision, Image Processing, and Machine Learning
Hainan University, China
Maki, Toshihiro
Underwater Observation Systems; Robotics; Information Processing Technologies
University of Tokyo
Michalopoulou, Eliza
Ocean Acoustics, Localization, and Inversion
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Morozov, Andrey
Underwater Sound Sources, Scattering of Sound by Internal Waves and Underwater Communications
Teledyne Instruments
Munafó, Andrea
Marine robotics, marine autonomous systems, underwater localisation, and underwater communications
United Kingdom
Neilsen, Traci
Underwater Acoustics, Source Localization and Characterization, Geoacoustic Inversion, Seabed Parameterization, Deep Learning Applied to Ocean Acoustics
Brigham Young University, USA
Nicolas, Barbara
Shallow Water Acoustics and Acoustic Signal Processing
Université de Lyon
Pelekanakis, Costas
Underwater acoustic communications, and signal processing
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Netherlands
Piscopo, Vincenzo
Areas of expertise: Naval Architecture, Ocean Engineering, Marine Renewable Energy, Offshore Wind Turbines
University of Naples Parthenope
Potter, John
Ocean Acoustics; Marine Mammal Acoustics
Norwegian University of Science & Technology
Potty, Gopu
Shallow Water; Sediment Acoustics
University of Rhode Island
Rekleitis, Ioannis
Marine Robotics; Multi-Robot Systems; Sensor Networks; Distributed Systems; Artificial Intelligence; Probabilistic Reasoning; Computer Vision
University of South Carolina, USA
Ren, Peng
Underwater Imaging, Ocean Remote Sensing, Marine Environmental Forecasting and Prediction
China University of Petroleum (East China), China
Ridolfi, Alessandro
Marine Robotics, Underwater Vehicles, AUV Design, Autonomous Underwater Navigation, Automatic Target Recognition
University of Florence, Italy
Sæbø, Torstein
Synthetic Aperture Sonar; Interferometry; Array Signal Processing; Sidescan Sonar; Swath Bathymetry
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Song, Yan
Sidescan Sonar, Machine Learning, Sonar Imaging, Planning and Decision-Making, Underwater Vehicles
Shandong University, China
Sousa, João
AUVs, multiple vehicle systems, and planning and execution control
Universidade do Porto
Stojanovic, Milica
Underwater Acoustic Communication; Signal Processing, Underwater Networks
Northeastern University
Takagi, Ken
Ship and Marine Hydrodynamics, Dynamics of Floating Structures and Ocean Energy Utilization
University of Tokyo
Tang, Yufei
Marine and Offshore Renewable Energy, Scientific Machine Learning, Robotics Control And Path Planning
Florida Atlantic University, USA
Tao, Jun
Underwater Acoustic Communications; Signal Processing.


Southeast University, China
Trucco, Andrea
Beam Pattern and Array Optimization; Techniques for the Generation of Acoustic Images, 3-D Sonar Imaging Systems; Underwater Acoustic
University of Genoa
Tsimenidis, Charalampos
Underwater acoustic communications, and sonar and array signal processing
Nottingham Trent University, UK
Wang, Yu
Underwater Robots and Underwater Unmanned Systems
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Xu, Wen
Underwater Acoustic Signal Processing
Zhejiang University
Zhang, Fumin
Maritime Cyber Physical Systems; Maritime Autonomy; Networked or Coordinated Mobile Sensing; Dynamics and Control
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Zhang, Peng
Underwater Wireless Power Transfer, Wave and Tidal Energy,
Stony Brook University, USA
Zheng, Haiyong
Underwater Computer Vision, Image/Video Analysis and Understanding, Deep Learning
Ocean University of China
Zheng, Y. Rosa
Underwater Wireless Communications; Signal Processing
Lehigh University
Zhou, Yifan
Modeling, Dynamic Analysis, and Control Of Ocean Renewable Energy Systems; the Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Marine Energy Systems
Stony Brook University, USA