Prof John Watson FIEEE, VP OCEANS Engineers at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, have developed one of the most advanced subsea holographic cameras in the…

Jim Candy recognized by the JASA as a “seminal” author
The Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (JASA) reviews past papers to assess those that have had a significant impact on the science and…

Webinar Series on Machine Learning and its applications to Oceanic Engineering: Talk by Dr. Shyam Madhusudhana
Dr. Gopu R. Potty, Chair, Technology Committee on Data Analytics, Integration and Modelling (DAIM) Dr. Shyam Madhusudhana gave a webinar on the topic Machine learning…

AdCom Election Results (Class of 2022-2024)
The election results are in for the 2022-2024 Administrative Committee members. This year we had a great list of 12 candidates from around the world…

IEEE OES distinguished lecture Series: 23, July 2021
Fusion reactors, Fuel Cells and Distributed Acoustic Sensing – What do they have in common and what might DAS now offer? John Potter, IEEE OES…

Chapter News (September 2021)
Submit Chapter news to Beacon Co-Editors and OES Chapter Coordinator Italy Chapter Reported by Maurizio Migliaccio, Italian Chapter Chair A start The new ExCom has…

Awards for OES members
Contact the editors with your submissions. Congratulations to Dr. Atmanand for the following award. Congratulations to Dr. M.A. Atmanand, distinguished OES member and General Chair…

From the Journal Editor’s desk: IEEE Journal of Engineering Early Access Papers
Mandar Chitre, Journal Editor-in Chief Congratulations to the authors of our most recently approved papers for the IEEE JOE. The following papers were published as…

OCEANS Conferences 2021 – Where are we now?
John Watson, OES Vice-President for OCEANS So here we are, very close to OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto. Some features make this conference and…

From the Vice President for Workshops & Symposia (September 2021)
Fausto Ferreira, Vice President for W&S As you will see, it has been a busy summer for OES Workshops & Symposia! While the COVID-19 pandemic…

VPTA Column (September 2021)
Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE OES OES colleagues, Greetings from Singapore. I have been home (Singapore) bound for almost two years now.…

From the President (September 2021)
Christopher Whitt, OES President We are on the cusp of our return to in-person meetings with the hybrid OCEANS 2021 San Diego-Porto just around the…

Chapter News (June 2021)
Submit Chapter news to Beacon Co-Editors and OES Chapter Coordinator Argentina Chapter OES special session on ARGENCON 2020 Reported by Gerardo Acosta, Argentina Chapter Chair…

Obituary on Dr. Ferial El-Hawary, IEEE OES AdCom member, IEEE Fellow and Life member
Adapted by your Editors from the Halifax Saltwire.com obituary for Ferial Ferial El-Hawary , age 78, of Halifax, passed away peacefully with family at her…

From the OES BEACON Editors (June 2021)
Harumi Sugimatsu and Robert Wernli Welcome to the June 2021 issue of the Beacon. Are you tired of meeting virtually as your Beacon editors are…

From the President (June 2021)
Christopher Whitt, OES President There is so much happening in your society in 2021! You’ll find this issue of the Beacon full of new activities…

VPTA Column (June 2021)
Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE OES The COVID-19 vaccination program is progressing in many countries. Nevertheless, the impact of pandemic is continuing…

Reminder: Call for OES Distinguished Lecturers – Jan 2022 to Dec 2025
Nominations close on July 31, 2021 Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE OES The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) invites nominations for OES…

After a Tough Year, We’re Ready for More Connection
Brandy Armstrong, VP of Professional Activities, vp-professional-activities@ieeeoes.org 2021 is moving fast, can you believe it’s almost summer? While vaccinations role out and in person meetings…

From the Vice President for Workshops & Symposia (June 2021)
Fausto Ferreira, Vice President for W&S Since the last Beacon, a lot has been happening in my portfolio. While the COVID-19 pandemic still affects our…

From the OES Secretary (June 2021)
Marinna Martini, OES secretary Let me open this piece by saying, we are human, and as humans we need personal contact with each other to…

From the Journal Editor’s desk: IEEE Journal of Engineering Early Access Papers (June 2021)
Mandar Chitre, Journal Editor-in Chief Congratulations to the authors of our most recently approved papers for the IEEE JOE. The following papers were published as…

The first IEEE OES distinguished lecture for This Year on 3 March 2021
Ocean Acoustic Signal Processing—A Bayesian Approach James V. Candy, IEEE OES distinguished lecturer The first IEEE OES distinguished lecture for this year was delivered…

Polar Oceans Technical Committee Report
Andreas Marouchos, Chair Polar Oceans Technical Committee Focus back on Polar research and technology The Polar Oceans Technology Committee (POTC) supports the work addressing challenges…

A Blast from the Past! . . . In Honor of Ferial
Bob Wernli – Beacon Co-Editor-in-Chief and Stan Chamberlain Ferial’s obituary is in this issue, but because of her amazing support of the IEEE and OES,…