Free IEEE-USA E-Book: Engineering Activities for the Classroom – Vol. 3: Engineering From the IEEE Member Benefits Bulletin In Volume 3 of his Engineering Activities…

From the OES BEACON Editors (December 2021)
Harumi Sugimatsu and Robert Wernli Welcome to the December 2021 issue of the Beacon. And welcome once again to a face-to-face OCEANS meeting in San…

From the Journal Editor’s desk: IEEE Journal of Engineering Early Access Papers (December 2021)
Mandar Chitre, Journal Editor-in Chief Congratulations to the authors of our most recently approved papers for the IEEE JOE. The following papers were published as…

The Fifth IEEE OES Underwater Communications and Networking (UComms21) Conference
João Alves (UComms 2021 General Chair), OES AdCom member The UComms conference series, Organised by the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE), is…

OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto Report 1
In Person component, San Diego Conference report Introduction The OCEANS 2021 San Diego portion of the hybrid conference, held at the Town and Country Resort,…

OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto Report 2
OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto Virtual component, Porto Conference report António Pascoal, LARSyS, IST, Portugal, Co-Chair Eduardo Silva, INESC-TEC, ISEP, Portugal. Co-Chair Fausto Ferreira,…

The Student Poster Competition at OCEANS 2021
Shyam Madhusudhana, OES Student Poster Competition Chair On-site photographs by Stan Chamberlain A flagship event of the MTS/OES OCEANS conferences is the Student Poster Competition…

Background on OCEANS 2022 Chennai
M. A. Atmanand, General Co-Chair of OCEANS 2022 Chennai As the OCEANS 2022 Chennai, one of the long-cherished aspirations of the entire OES communities in…

OCEANS 2022 Hampton Roads is on the East Coast Horizon
Conference Co-Chairs – Ray Toll, Laura Rogers, Daniel Sternlicht The OCEANS conference is returning to Hampton Roads after 10 years. The conference theme, Resilient Coasts,…

Who’s Who in the IEEE OES (December 2021)
Lian Lian, an elected AdCom member (from 2022 to 2024), OES Shanghai Chapter Chair I grew up in a family of teachers, having a brother…

Member Highlights (December 2021)
Contact the editors if you have items of interest for the society Life on the small island Tamaki Ura Tamaki Ura (fellow of IEEE),…

Breaking the Surface 2021
Nadir Kapetanović, Anja Babić, Ivan Lončar, Igor Kvasić, Barbara Arbanas, Matej Fabijanić, Jura Vuković, Maja Magdalenić, Goran Borković OCEANS 2021 activities In the week leading…

ARIEL, the AUV Won First Place in Underwater Robot Convention in JAMSTEC 2021!
Kazushi Yamamoto, Sehwa Chun, Yuki Sekimori, Chihaya Kawamra Introduction On August 28 and 29, students and enthusiasts gathered online to take part in the Underwater…

Report on SCHOOL Level Short Video Competition
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi ( IITD) OES Student Branch Chapter The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a lot of damage and has affected the…
Request for OES AdCom Nominations (2023-2025 term)
Nominees for the Term 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025 Jerry Carroll, Chair of IEEE/OES Nominations and Appointments Committees The IEEE OCEANIC ENGINEERING…

From the President (December 2021)
Christopher Whitt, OES President It’s hard to believe 2021 is almost over. While it was a different year, it was still a year of much…

VPTA Column (December 2021)
Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for Technical Activities, IEEE OES (vp-technical-activities@ieeeoes.org) OES colleagues, Time flies and we are already at the far end of 2021. Even…

Distinguished Lecturer Roster (2022-2025)
Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for Technical Activities Each year Oceanic Engineering Society appoints Distinguished Lecturers (DLs) who serve a four-year term in their positions. DL…

Hybrid is the New Normal
Brandy Armstrong, VP for Professional Activities The year is almost finished, where did the time go? I am already in the last few months of…

From the Vice President for Workshops & Symposia (December 2021)
Fausto Ferreira, Vice President for W&S As the last issue in 2021, it is now time to make a balance of this year and look…

OES Society Awards (2021)
Mal Heron and Marinna Martini Each year the Oceanic Engineering Society honors one OES member for outstanding service in furthering the objectives and activities of…

Awards for OES members (December 2021)
Contact the editors with your submissions. Congratulations to Dr. Daniel D. Sternlicht for being selected as one of three recipients of the National Defense Industrial…
Request for Nominations for OES Awards 2022
Jerry Carroll, Chair of IEEE/OES Nominations and Appointments Committees Each year at the beginning of January, the Oceanic Engineering Society is proposing a call for…

IEEE Corporate Innovations Award for 2022 goes to The ARGO Program
Mal Heron and Marinna Martini One of the highest awards in IEEE in 2022 goes to The Argo Program “For innovation in oceanography with global…

New Technology Committee Chair and Co-Chairs
Shyam Madhusudhana, Coordinator of Technology Committees OES welcomes three new appointees to its slate of Technology Committees (TC) — Dr. Ferdinando Nunziata (Parthenope University of…