December 2021 Beacon

Request for OES AdCom Nominations (2023-2025 term)

Nominees for the Term 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025

Jerry Carroll, Chair of IEEE/OES Nominations and Appointments Committees        

The IEEE OCEANIC ENGINEERING SOCIETY is governed by an Administrative Committee of 18 members. Six are elected each year to serve three-year terms. Members are limited to two consecutive terms, although they may be reelected after a lapse of one year. This will be the thirty-eighth election to be held to determine the membership of our Administrative Committee (AdCom).

This year, the Nominations and Appointments Committee is chaired by the Senior Past President. The committee is charged with proposing a slate of nominees each year. For this election, twelve members of the OES will be nominated to fill six positions on the AdCom for the three-year term 1 January 2023 – 31 December 2025.

Qualifications for Administrative Committee membership are membership in the IEEE and OES, and a willingness to serve the oceanic engineering profession. The Society wishes to have the Administrative Committee characteristics to reflect characteristics of the IEEE membership. I ask that each of you identify and nominate qualified candidates for the Administrative Committee. Self-nomination is encouraged.

The nomination Packet should include a Letter of Nomination accompanied by a one-page biographical sketch of the proposed candidate with picture and one-page statement from the proposed candidate giving his or her views of the opportunities and challenges facing the Society and steps to be taken to advance the IEEE Oceanographic Engineering Society.

The election will be conducted in accordance with our Bylaws. Follow this link to read the Bylaws:

The Bylaws specify that general nominations close on *March 1*, and nominations by petition close by *April 15*.

Please submit nominations to the undersigned starting 1 January 2022. Please do not delay your efforts in finding and nominating qualified candidates. Send your nominations to:

*Jerry Carroll
*Chair of IEEE/OES Nominations and Appointments Committees