Hiroshi Kasuga, Lisa Hakataya, Hiroki Yokohata, The University of Tokyo Introduction On August 26 and 27, students and enthusiasts gathered at JAMSTEC headquarters in…

Mohammed Ibrahim M, Amar Nath Singh, Akash V, Rakshin Ramesh, IEEE OES Madras Chapter The Aritra Team of IIT Madras has won the Njord…

IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society organizes student activities at IEEE Sri Lanka Section Congress
Suleman Mazhar, Chair of OES Student Activities and Co-Chair of Underwater Acoustics Technical Committee Spending winter in snowy Harbin, China is a pretty tough job.…

OES Provides Gold Sponsorship to Region 9 Student Branch Regional Meeting (SBRM) 2023
From OES VPPA The Region 9 SBRM 2023, held in Cartegena, Colombia October 29 – 31, 2023, was a high energy, activities packed event. Over…

The Experience from the Global Members of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society-Student Branch Chapters at the OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast Conference
Ardian Rizal, Ali Emre Koruk, Mujeeb Abdulfatai, Nathan Fourniol, Jhon Bermudez and Atlant Correa, OES SBC members OES invited the OES members of Student Branch…

Member Highlights
Contact the editors if you have items of interest for the society Close Encounter of a Whale Shark Harumi Sugimatsu, BEACON Editor-in-Chief, AdCom member…

OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast: Memory of A Lifetime
Shihab Hossain Saran, OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast SPC First Prize Winner Participating in the Student Poster Competition at the OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast conference was…

The Student Poster Competition at OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast
Dr. Shyam Madhusudhana, OES Student Poster Competition Chair Col. Normal Miller conceived and brought to life the esteemed Student Poster Competition (SPC) during the 1989…

Who’s who in the IEEE OES (December 2023)
Gabriele Ferri, IEEE Senior Member, 2023 IEEE OES Distinguished Technical Achievement Award, OES AdCom member 2024-2026 The apple does not fall far from the tree,…

OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast Report
Craig Peterson, Co-Chair OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast, Kenneth Sharp, TPC Co-Chair of OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast OCEANS 2023- Gulf Coast, “Blue Economy: Locally Sourced, Globally…

A Blast from the Past! . . . Your AdCom at Work
Bob Wernli – Beacon Co-Editor-in-Chief and Photographer Stan Chamberlain When most of us attend an OCEANS conference, we don’t see what goes on behind the…

IEEE MetroSea 2023
Sebastiano d’Amico, Pasquale Daponte and Maurizio Migliaccio IEEE MetroSea 2023 was the first true international edition of the IEEE MetroSea conferences series, and it was…

Robotics for Asset Maintenance and Inspection (RAMI) 2023 competition
Gabriele Ferri1, Alessandro Faggiani2, Tommaso Fabbri2, Fausto Ferreira3 1RAMI 2023 Technical Director 2RAMI2023 Deputy Technical Director 3VP Workshops & Symposia NATO-STO Centre for Maritime Research…

Cost efficient, scalable, practical and innovative ocean observing technologies for ‘the science we need for the oceans we want – Panel discussion
Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for OCEANS (VPO) The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES), in collaboration with the Ocean Decade Technology Innovation Working Group (TIWG), organized…

Technology Committee on Ocean Sustainable Energy Systems (OSES) Report
Bill Wilson, Chair of Ocean Sustainable Energy Systems (OSES) The Ocean Sustainable Energy Systems (OSES) Technology Committee supports the development and deployment of fully sustainable…
IEEE OES Technical Committees Update – 2023 Achievements and Future Plans
M A Atmanand, Technical activities coordinator, Shyam Madhusudhana, VP Technical Activities As we reflect on the dynamic year that was 2023, we take pride in…

Chapter News (December 2023)
Submit Chapter news to Beacon Co-Editors and OES Chapter Coordinator Japan Chapter The 10th Underwater Technology Forum・ZERO HYBRID – congratulating Prof. Yutaka Michida elected to…

Awards for OES members
Contact the editors with your submissions. Title: Congratulations to Dr. Karen Panetta Dr. Karen Panetta, IEEE Fellow and IEEE OES Member-Large was recognized by Business…

OES Society Awards (2023)
IEEE OES Awards Committees The OES Awards Ceremony was held during the Tuesday Plenary at OCEANS 2023 Gulf Coast. We are honored to introduce the…

From the Journal Editor’s desk (December 2023)
Mandar Chitre, Journal Editor-in Chief It wasn’t that long ago that I remember waiting outside a meeting room at the conference hotel during OCEANS 2016…

VP OCEANS Report (December 2023)
Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for OCEANS (VPO) A year has passed since I took over as IEEE OES VP for OCEANS. In my first article…

From the Vice President for Workshops & Symposia (December 2023)
Fausto Ferreira, Vice President for W&S This article is hard to write as it is my last one as OES VP Workshops & Symposia (W&S).…
From the VP For Professional Activities (December 2023)
Elizabeth Creed, VP for Professional Activities At the August 2023 OES AdCom Elections, I was elected the VP for Professional Activities, taking over for Steve…

VPTA Column (December 2023)
Shyam Madhusudhana, VP for Technical Activities Well, it looks like we are well-poised to end 2023 on a high— Invigoration of OES Chapters, thanks to…

OCEANS Gulf Coast 2023 Report
Brandy Armstrong, Deputy Co-chair OCEANS Gulf Coast, Executive VP, executive-vp@ieeeoes.org The long-awaited, in-person OCEANS Gulf Coast finally took place in Biloxi, Mississippi, this September of…