Malcolm Heron, OES Vice President for Technical Activities We have three new DLs from 2020 to 2023. Donna M. Kocak John R. Potter Tamaki Ura…
Call for OES Distinguished Lecturers Nominations for 2021–2023 Close July 31, 2020
Malcolm Heron, OES Vice President for Technical Activities The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) invites nominations for OES Distinguished Lecturers. The IEEE OES Distinguished Lecturers…

VPTA Column: Celebrating the Maturity of Technology Committees
Malcolm Heron, OES Vice President for Technical Activities The Technology Committees Coordinator, Shyam Madhusudhana, has been busy raising the visibility of the TCs inside OES…

From the OES BEACON Editors (June 2020)
Harumi Sugimatsu and Robert Wernli Welcome to the June 2020 issue of the Beacon. As you can see in the photos, your Beacon editors are…
Welcome New and Reinstated Members (June 2020)
Australia John A Risson Canada Sam Decosse Bruce Gordon Joseph Martin China Zhou Quanbin Chi Wu Colombia Jeisson Alexander Giraldo Tique Ecuador Angelica Maria Bustos…

As a new OES Calendar Coordinator – Stephanie Kemna
Stephanie Kemna, OES Calendar Coordinator Hi all! I am Stephanie Kemna, former IEEE OES Young Professional (YP) Boost recipient for 2019, and now OES Calendar…

From the Journal Editor’s desk: IEEE Journal of Engineering Early Access Papers
Mandar Chitre, Journal Editor-in Chief Congratulations to the authors of our most recently approved papers for the IEEE JOE. The following papers were published as…

Trajectory of the Team Clairvoyance
Kenichi Fujita, Yuya Hamamatsu and Hiroya Yatagai (The University of Tokyo) The “Team Clairvoyance”, the student team from the University of Tokyo for underwater robot…

New Year, New Member Opportunities
Brandy Armstrong, VP of Professional Activities It’s been a busy few months in my new role as VP of Professional Activities. Fortunately, I was able…

OES Society Award – Mohd Rizal Arshad received the 2019 Presidential Award
Mohd Rizal Arshad received the 2019 Presidential Award at the OES ExCom meeting in Singapore in December 2019. Congratulations! Mohd Rizal Arshad organised USYS conf…

Awards for OES members
Contact the editors with your submissions. Jerry C. Carroll Inducted into Naval Oceanography Hall of Fame Jerry C. Carroll, OES Senior Past President, was inducted…

Marine Debris Indicators: What’s Next? – Workshop Summary Report
An IEEE OES event 16-18 December 2019-Brest, FRANCE René Garello, OES Junior Past President This workshop was sponsored by: THE WORKSHOP The workshop on “Marine…

The OES Newsletter – A Beacon Beaming the Activities of the Society for Fifty Years
Stan Chamberlain (Initial OES President) and Fred Maltz (longest serving OESNL Editor) The Early Years: 1970 – 1990 The newsletter (NL) of the Oceanic…

The Science We Need for the Ocean We Want
Regional Planning Workshop for the Northern/Central Indian Ocean countries as well as ROPME sea area towards the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development…
Welcome to COA 2020!
2nd IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics Conference -COA 2020, Harbin, China, 27-30 July 2020 *Updated The 2016 IEEE / OES China Ocean Acoustics Symposium (COA2016), initiated…

Offshore Technology Conference
Jerry C. Carroll, Senior Past President, OTC Board of Directors Founded in 1969, the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) organizes the world’s foremost events for…

Who’s who in the OES (March 2020)
Christopher Whitt, OES AdCom. member I have been around the ocean my whole life. I was born in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, and…

Chapter News (March 2020)
Submit Chapter news to Beacon Co-Editors and OES Chapter Coordinator Japan Chapter – Workshop on Scientific Use of Submarine Cables & Related Technology Reported by Harumi…
Call for OES Distinguished Lecturers NOMINATIONS FOR 2021-2023 CLOSE July 31, 2020
Malcolm Heron, OES Vice President for Technical Activities The IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) invites nominations for OES Distinguished Lecturers. The IEEE OES Distinguished Lecturers…
Request for Nominations for OES Awards 2020
René Garello, Chair of IEEE/OES Nominations and Appointments Committees, Junior Past President Each year at the beginning of January, the Oceanic Engineering Society is…

VPTA Column: Carrying on…
Malcolm Heron, OES Vice President for Technical Activities I started writing this column with Plan A in mind to say that the year was getting…

From the President (March 2020)
Christian de Moustier, OES President Calendar year 2020 is a leap year. In our epoch, this means an extra day at the end of February…

A Blast from the Past! . . . And a Look at Our Future
Bob Wernli – Beacon Co-Editor-in-Chief, photos by Stan Chamberlain Many of our OES members are, how shall I say it . . . “very experienced.”…
Welcome New and Reinstated Members (March 2020)
Australia Perri Quattrociocchi Andrew E Sayers C J Skinner Brazil J Coriolano Canada Chris Bayley Xinwei Chen Jasper Dupuis James Leo Hanlon Franz Heubach Anna…
From the Journal Editor’s desk: IEEE Journal of Engineering Early Access Papers
Mandar Chitre, Journal Editor-in Chief Congratulations to the authors of our most recently approved papers for the IEEE JOE. The following papers were published as…