Gaultier Real, Karen Renninger-Rojas, OES Young Professionals for 2024-2025 The OCEANS Conference in Halifax, Canada (September 23-26, 2024) was another opportunity for the IEEE Oceanic…

OES/MTS Young Professional Luncheon event at OCEANS 2024 Singapore
Roberto Petroccia, Gaultier Real, Karen Renninger During the last OCEANS Conference in Singapore (14-18 April 2024), the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) and the Marine…

IEEE YP Committee Meeting
Francesco Maurelli, OES YP-BOOST 2023-2024 YP, SAC, WiE, MGA, TAB, PSPB, CSTF… and then RAS, OES, MTTS, ITSS, TEMS… What are all these strange words…

The second Winter School on Underwater Network Simulations and experimentation
Filippo Campagnaro, University of Padova, Italy, and IEEE OES Young Professional boost laureate The second Winter School on Underwater Network Simulations and experimentation (UNWiS) is…

New YP-BOOST Laureates 2024-2025
Karen Renninger-Rojas & Gaultier Real, New YP-BOOST Laureates, Roberto Petroccia, OES Liaison for the YP-BOOST Program Introduction by Roberto Petroccia, OES Liaison for the YP-BOOST…

Hong Kong IEEE CE/OES Joint Chapter runs the Young Engineer Conference (YE-23) at the Hong Kong University
Paul Hodgson, Hong Kong Chapter Chair and Dany Cho, OES Senior Member The IEEE CT/OES Joint Chapter in Hong Kong has been organizing Young Engineer…

New YP-BOOST Laureates 2023-2024
Filippo Campagnaro & Francesco Maurelli, New YP-BOOST Laureates, Roberto Petroccia, OES Liaison for the YP-BOOST Program Introduction by Roberto Petroccia, OES Liaison for the YP-BOOST…

New YP-BOOST Laureates 2022-2023
Amy Deeb & Mehdi Rahmati, New YP-BOOST Laureates, Roberto Petroccia, OES Liaison for the YP-BOOST Program Introduction by Roberto Petroccia, OES Liaison for the YP-BOOST…

After a Tough Year, We’re Ready for More Connection
Brandy Armstrong, VP of Professional Activities, vp-professional-activities@ieeeoes.org Certainly 2020 was a tough year for all of us, including IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society volunteers. Does my…

A new OES Liaison for the Young Professionals BOOST Program
Roberto Petroccia, IEEE Senior Member, OES Liaison for the Young Professionals BOOST Program When I was asked to write a story about myself, my first…

Shore-based monitoring and quantification of vessel activities: University of Victoria Photographic Observation Study (POS).
Ben Morrow, M.Sc. candidate/OES student member With the support of IEEE OES Victoria Chapter, Ben Morrow, alongside researchers Norma Serra and Dr. Patrick O’Hara have…

Incredible Women in Engineering Programs at Virtual OCEANS 2020
Brandy Armstrong – VP Professional Activities I hope you were able to catch the first global (combined Singapore and Gulf Coast), virtual, OCEANS. This was…

Professional Activities, Gone Virtual
Brandy Armstrong, VP of Professional Activities Remember all those grand plans we had back in the spring? A lot has changed since then… with the…

An opportunity to inspire young minds towards Oceanic Engineering – TryEngineering webinar
Hari Vishnu, Earthzine Editor-in-Chief, Research Fellow, Acoustic Research Laboratory Singapore Grace Chia, CEO of BeeX Wikipedia defines Engineering as the use of scientific principles to…

As a new OES Calendar Coordinator – Stephanie Kemna
Stephanie Kemna, OES Calendar Coordinator Hi all! I am Stephanie Kemna, former IEEE OES Young Professional (YP) Boost recipient for 2019, and now OES Calendar…

New Year, New Member Opportunities
Brandy Armstrong, VP of Professional Activities It’s been a busy few months in my new role as VP of Professional Activities. Fortunately, I was able…

Trip along the Ecuadorian coast
Lady Nicole Macas Mendez, current chair president of the first IEEE/OES chapter in Ecuador and an Oceanographic Engineering student. The coastal profile is an emblematic…

YPs at OCEANS 2019 Marseille
Frederic Maussang, OES Young Professionals Rep. Our new YP-BOOSTs — Hari, Jeff, Roberto, and Stephanie — were particularly active at OCEANS 2019 Marseille. They were…

The University of Southern Mississippi Student Branch Chapter Activities Report
Courtney Bouchard, Laura Hode Following the launch of the Ocean Engineering program at the University of Southern Mississippi (USM), students petitioned to form a new…

The Rise of Women in Engineering: The Story of IEEE Delhi Section
Farheen Fauziya, IEEE OES Liaison to WIE I became the IEEE OES liaison to WIE in October 2018 and have since been looking for an…

YP-BOOST Program Update (March 2019)
Dear OES Young Professional Members Frederic Maussang, OES Young Professionals Rep. At the beginning of this year, two candidates were chosen for the second year…

Expanding Mentorship Opportunities
Brandy Armstrong, Student Activities Committee Chair Mentorship is now widely considered the key element leading to increased participation and retention of women and minorities in…

OES Young Professionals at OCEANS 2018 Charleston
Not so far on the heels of an excellent experience during OCEANS’18 Kobe, we were now headed to Charleston, SC with renewed excitement and enthusiasm…
The Singapore Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Challenge (SAUVC)
IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, Singapore Chapter Prepared by Hari Vishnu, Venugopalan Pallayil, Bharath Kalyan. with inputs from SAUVC committee The Singapore AUV Challenge (SAUVC) 2018…
Meet Our New YP-BOOST Program 2018 Winners!
Frederic Maussang, OES Young Professional Rep., Brandy Armstrong, OES WIE Rep. Dear OES Young Professional Members At the beginning of this year, two candidates were…