Roberto Petroccia, Gaultier Real, Karen Renninger
During the last OCEANS Conference in Singapore (14-18 April 2024), the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) and the Marine Technology Society (MTS) joined forces once again to promote professional development of Young Professionals (YPs) and Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs). This is a recurrent activity for both OES and MTS that capitalizes on the large participation to the flagship OCEANS Conference and provides YPs and ECOPs a unique opportunity for career development, professional networking, exposure to facets of oceanic engineering inside and outside of their area of expertise, and more. The main objective for these events has always been to engage with young professionals, inform them about OES and MTS, and share with them important messages, experiences and recommendations on how to build/promote a career in ocean science, engineering and technology. Basically, the main things that everyone would love to hear when deciding or making the first steps in the maritime fields, e.g., key aspects when deciding to pursue a PhD or select the area of research, how to write a CV or get a job in Industry, link individuals with opportunities and companies, etc. Key aspects, such as sustainability of the oceans, diversity, equity and inclusion are also discussed.

The topic selected for the event in Singapore was “Proposal writing and career development: Navigating funding Opportunities.” It was organized as a luncheon event with the objective to provide a safe space for YPs and ECOPs to network with other participants, gain valuable perspectives on navigating funding opportunities and shaping their career paths.
Three panelists from the different areas of ocean science, engineering and technology and with different backgrounds were invited to share their views and key messages with participants.
The panelists were (alphabetical order):
Jill Zande speaking at the IEEE/MTS OCEANS Conference in Singapore, April 2024. As the Associate Director of the MATE Center, Jill shared her insights on the critical role of professional societies in fostering international collaboration and supporting the next generation of ocean engineers and marine technologists. Francesco Maurelli (Professor at Constructor University, Bremen, Germany), who leads the Marine Systems and Robotics group at Constructor University and has worked for more than a decade in the field of autonomous marine robots.
- John R. Potter (Professor at NTNU, Trondheim, Norway), who has been a sort of “globe trotter” working around the world on several key topics, including, marine mammal and underwater acoustics, underwater communications networking, and distributed acoustic sensing over fiber optic cables.
- Jill Zande, who is the President/Executive Director of MATE Inspiration for Innovation and the Associate Director of the MATE Center. She established the global ROV (remotely operated vehicle) student competition, cultivating and maintaining partnerships with industry, professional societies, academic institutions, and STEM professionals.
The event was moderated by Roberto Petroccia, Research Scientist at the NATO’s Science and Technology Organization (STO) Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) in La Spezia, Italy. He is also the liaison for the IEEE OES YP Program.
The event started with a presentation about the IEEE OES YP Program, by Filippo Campagnaro (YP BOOST laureate), and the MTS ECOP Program, by Justin Manley (MTS President).

Each panelist then had the opportunity to delve into the world of funding opportunities and proposal writing, sharing his/her insights, practical advice, and personal experiences. A large part of the event was dedicated for questions and answers, giving all the participants the opportunity to engage with panelists and creating an open platform for learning and discussion.
Overall, it was an interesting and well received event that provided a great opportunity for participants to network and build connections to be used in the future steps of their professional life.
The IEEE OES and MTS team will continue to organize these events at future OCEANS Conferences and welcome your suggestions for topics you would like to have covered as well as feedback on past events. We would like to maximize the attendee experience. If you have any suggestion or feedback, please contact Roberto Petroccia ( and Joshua Baghdady (

Next event at OCEANS 2024 Halifax Conference
We are excited to announce an upcoming event at OCEANS 2024 Halifax tailored specifically for YPs and ECOPs. The session, titled “Understanding the Role of Professional Societies in the Context of International Collaboration,” will take place on September 24, 2024, from 12:00 to 13:30 in Room 103 of the Halifax Convention Centre. This event will bring together a diverse group of early career professionals and leaders from MTS and IEEE OES, the Halifax Local Organizing Committee, and the national node of the UN Decade ECOP Programme for Canada. The discussion will focus on the significant role that professional societies play in fostering and supporting international and interdisciplinary research and development collaborations, aligning with the goals of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
Participants are encouraged to register on the OCEANS Halifax website ( or by filling out the form at to help us plan appropriately for the lunch that will be provided during the meeting.