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Malaysia Chapter
3rd Multi-Object Collision Avoidance for a Riverine Autonomous Surface Vehicle
Reported by Zainah Md. Zain & Mohd Shahrieel Mohd Aras
The 3rd technical talk, organized by IEEE OES, was presented by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Rosmiwati Mohd Mukhtar, who is a Deputy Dean (Academic, Career & International), School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Science Malaysia. She is the former secretary of IEEE OES Malaysia Chapter. This talk was held on 19 May 2022, virtually in FB live at IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society – Malaysia Chapter During the talk, she explained multi object collision avoidance for a riverine autonomous surface vehicle.

USYS’22: Kick off Meeting with Northwestern Polytechnical University China
Reported by Zainah Md. Zain & Mohd Shahrieel Mohd Aras
The 9th IEEE International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications (USYS’22) is a hybrid conference that will be held in collaboration with International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) and Northwestern Polytechnical University, China (NWPU) on the 5 to 6 December 2022. This conference aims to provide a platform for researchers, scientists, engineers, academicians, and industrial professionals from around the world to share, discuss, and disseminate their current research and development activities and experiences in the field of underwater system technology, including relevant theories and applications. The 9th IEEE USYS 2022 focuses on developingnew engineering strategies for the preservation of the oceans’ eco-system, as well as providing a specialized forum for discussing the future of underwater system technology. The 1st online meeting with all collaboration members including from NWPU has been held on 24 May 2022 via VooV. In this meeting, the USYS’22 planning and work flow has been discussed.
Research and Innovation Engineering Day 2022 (RADIATE’22)
Reported by Mohd Shahrieel Mohd Aras & Zainah Md. Zain
The RADIATE 2022 Committee, Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FKE), Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM) in collaboration with seven FKE Committees and the FKE student association (SAFEE) have successfully organized a program that was held for the first time, namely Research and Innovation Engineering Day 2022 (RADIATE’22). This program has combined 4 presentations of FKE student projects in Semester 2-2021/2022 which includes students of Year 2,3,4 Bachelor Degree in Electrical Engineering (BEKG), Bachelor Degree in Mechatronic Engineering (BEKM) and Diploma in Electrical Engineering (DEK) at FKE. This program was held face-to-face at FKE’s laboratories and administration building on 15 June 2022 from 8.30 am to 2.00 pm which ended with the Closing Ceremony & Prize Giving Ceremony).
This program is one of the evaluation instruments used in highlighting and unearthing the creativity and innovation of students. During the evaluation process, students’ soft skills, project success and impact on industry and society were evaluated. RADIATE 2022 has handed out 35 RADIATE Awards which crown the 10 best projects from each category of FYP, IDP, ProDip and the 5 best projects from EPIC, while 17 Industry Special Awards which are contributions from RADIATE’22.
Upcoming Events: Underwater Robot Challenge 2022 & The IEEE 9th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications (USYS’22)
Reported by Zainah Md. Zain & Mohd Shahrieel Mohd Aras
The next event that has been planned is the Underwater Robot Challenge 2022 that will be held on 19 November 2022. This event is opened to all primary school and secondary school in Malaysia. Next, The IEEE 9th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications (USYS’22) will be held on 5-6 December 2022. This is the 1st USYS conference that will be held after pandemic COVID’19 with hybrid mode (fave to face and online) after USYS’20 has been cancelled due to pandemic.