September 2019 OES Beacon

From your Chapter Coordinator (September 2019)

 Gerardo Acosta, OES Chapter Coordinator

Gerardo Acosta, Chapter Coordinator.

Still with the joy of sharing four wonderful days at the OCEANS Conference in Marseille, France, exchanging top level knowledge and advances in our disciplines, as well as spending great moments with friends, I would like to bring you a brief update about our Chapter Chairs meeting there. We were talking about a New Funding Scheme for Chapters (see next), about the Distinguished Lecturers Program giving tips to a better use of it, and also how to make the communications to and among chapters much more fluid. We still have some difficulties to reach some chapters. I also invite all of the OES Chapter Chairs spread in the world to meet each other in our next meeting in Seattle, at next OCEANS, and to contact me at: with questions, requirements or initiatives in your local chapters.

New Funding Scheme for Chapters since 2020

In the past Administrative Committee Meeting in Marseille, France (June 2019), our Oceanic Engineering Society, decided to start up a new chapters activity funding scheme (CAFS), lead by our Vice-President for Technical Activities (VPTA), Mal Heron. It will be implemented on January 1st 2020. This new proposal is as follows: a fund will be set aside annually for this CAFS, so Chapter Chairs are invited to request support for specific planned events or activities from it. Proposals are invited up to 2 years ahead to allow planning for Workshops or Symposia, or on a shorter time scale for conference special sessions or streams, and on an even shorter time scale for technical meetings and events. The CAFS can support planning or promotion activities and assistance, where appropriate, for a volunteer who is a Chapter Member to attend an activity. Note that formal meetings, like Workshops and Symposia, must be approved by the OES Administrative Committee at least one year in advance and that approval includes budget estimates and possibly requests for funding. Normally a proposal to the CAFS for meetings and activities will show significant support from other sources.

The Chapter Coordinator, jointly with the VPTA, will administer the funds within this CAFS. There is no closing date because the CAFS operates on a rolling schedule. For this reason, Chapter Chairs are encouraged to submit their proposals as early as possible to the Chapter Coordinator. A template for this request will be soon provided.

For proposals that are approved, funds will be transferred to the designated Chapter’s Bank Account. OES will require an expense report, the L31 report, and an article in the Beacon Newsletter for each funded project. Each activity or event should have an outreach element that promotes the Society and its membership.