March 2023 Beacon

Introducing the Position of Executive VP (March 2023)

Brandy Armstrong, Executive VP,    

As the newly elected, and first ever, Executive Vice President (Executive VP) of IEEE OES, I thought it would be a good idea to describe some of the responsibilities of this new role and my plans for my term as Executive VP.  The Executive VP is tasked with Governance and Strategic planning committees as well as assisting and learning the role of Society president. The role of Executive VP is not a President elect. The Executive VP is expected to learn the role of the President, but must run and be elected to become President.


A quick recap on Governance committee work accomplished in 2022. You may recall that we voted to change the Constitution and Society By-Laws in 2022. These votes synchronized our Constitution with IEEE policies and introduced a new position, the Executive Vice-President, while removing the position of Senior Past President.

Strategic Planning

During 2022, the Strategic Planning Committee collected input from Society members to help define and refine IEEE OES’ Vision, Mission and Values. These inspired a brainstorm of ideas at the in-person Administrative Committee meeting held at OCEANS Hampton Roads in 2022. During the in-person Administrative Committee meeting in January of 2023 in London, ideas were prioritized and then the top ideas were expanded upon to flesh out costs, volunteer needs and timelines.  Executive Committee then used these top ideas to prioritize what projects, initiatives and operational programs IEEE OES will focus resources on in 2023 and into 2024.

The Strategic Planning committee has been working with AdCom to define IEEE OES’ Vision, Mission, and Values.

The Strategic Planning committee has been working with
AdCom to define IEEE OES’ Vision, Mission, and Values.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

In this role I will continue to promote Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at all events and at all levels of the Society. IEEE OES will continue to build on our adoption of the WIE Pledge for diversified panels at all IEEE meetings, conferences, and events as well as the WIE PROPEL program, now in its second year.

What to Expect in 2023

The strategic planning committee will be updating the Society’s strategic plan in preparation for the IEEE 5 year Society review.  The governance committee will incorporate gender-neutral language and clarify the process for filling mid-term vacancies in AdCom in the by-laws this year. Looking forward to another successful year for the IEEE OES!