Harumi Sugimatsu and Robert Wernli

Welcome to 2023 and the March 2023 issue of the Beacon. Hope this issue finds all our members well and happy to put the problems of the last few years into the past. And with the arrival of 2023, we welcome the election of our new AdCom and ExCom members, who are all listed on the inside front cover. Thanks to all our officers who have reached the end of their terms . . . well done! And, don’t miss the announcements of this year’s OCEANS in Limerick, Ireland, and the Gulf Coast in the U.S., and our OTC conferences in Houston and Brazil.
Our chapters have been busy as the reports show. The Hong Kong joint chapter was busy with student ROV competitions and workshops. The University of Southern Mississippi’s (USM) OES Student Branch Chapter (SBC) provides the results of their first annual poster competition. The University of Zagreb, Croatia, Student Branch Chapter was busy with many activities as shown in their report. We also have reports on OES student support of phytoplankton research at First Flight High School, and which Young Professionals (YP) were chosen for our 2023-2024 YP-BOOST Laureates program. And don’t miss the reports from our Providence, Japan, UK & I and very busy Hong Kong and Malaysia chapters.
We also have several reports on what to expect this year from our ExCom VPs for Technical Activities (VPTA), OCEANS (VPO), Workshops and Symposia (VPWS) and Professional Activities (VPPA) and our new Treasurer Elect and also the new position of Executive VP. Two of our members were also recipients of prestigious awards as described in their article and our newest IEEE fellows are also highlighted. The Journal EIC also provides a list of recently released papers that are available to our members. You will also see in the report from the OES president his view on the direction of the society.

The international outreach by OES in support of the UN Decade of Ocean sciences for sustainable development 2021-2030, is also documented. This includes a report on our participation in the World Ocean Assessment workshop at Belitung, Indonesia.
Have you done something exciting lately? Received an award or professional recognition? Be sure to contact your editors about submitting an article.
There is a wealth of other information and articles in this issue that we hope you enjoy. And, as always, we’ll close by inviting you to participate in your society. Submit articles and material for the Beacon. Or . . . volunteer for other society activities as a participant or an elected officer. It’s your society and it is here to help you reach your professional goals. Enjoy.
You see many photos from past conferences in the Beacon, especially in the Blast from the Past articles. For decades, our conference photographer, Stan Chamberlain, has taken the photos and uploaded them to our website. However, the link to them hasn’t been obvious, so we have updated the website with an easy link to 20 years of past conference photos. Under Society News on the right side of the OES website, you can access the photo archives by using the Conference Photo Gallery link (https://ieeeoes.org/conferences/photo-gallery/0/) Enjoy!