John Watson, OES Vice-President for OCEANS

Your VP OCEANS staying at home
Well, here we are into February 2021 and we are still very much reeling from the effect of the COVID-19 virus. The impact is still being felt across all our OCEANS Conferences. After much discussion, heart-searching and crossing of fingers, I am happy to let you know that the two LOCs of Porto and San Diego, scheduled for 2021, have decided to join forces and go for a single Global OCEANS 2021:San Diego – Porto event. However, unlike last year’s Global OCEANS 2020, the hope is that this will feature both in-person and virtual components; in fact, it will be the first hybrid OCEANS. The San Diego component will be predominantly in-person and will be held in the San Diego Town & Country Resort complex and the Porto component will focus on virtual activities.
Although joining forces, the two teams will maintain their distinct identities and promote their own Conference themes of “Sustaining our Oceans . . . Sustaining our Future” (San Diego) and “Opening the Ocean Frontier: A New Age of Discoveries” (Porto). In addition, there will be a joint kick-off with the United Nations of its IOC “Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.”
I particularly was looking forward to attending Porto for the first time and returning to San Diego for the third (at least!) time, but unfortunately, it’s not to be. However, I think I speak for all when I extend support to the Porto Chairs (Antonio Pascoal, Joao Soares, Eduardo da Silva) and the San Diego Chairs (Alan Kenny and Bob Wernli) and wish them well in their drive to maintain the traditional standard of OCEANS and make this another memorable conference.
All the latest information on what you should do and how to attend is on the web site at The dates are 20-23 September 2021 – put them in your diary now.