OES Beacon Society News

Future Vision for Autonomous and Remote Observing Technologies

Malcolm Heron, OES Vice President for Technical Activities

OceanObs is a decadal exercise to focus on how Ocean Observations will develop in the next decade. The anchor sponsor is NASA, and OceanObs’19 will be the third in the series. The main goals are “to further develop effective strategies for a sustained, multidisciplinary, and integrated ocean observing system, and better connect user communities and observers”. In other words, predict how ocean observing technologies will develop in the ‘20s decade and figure out how to get the best advantage for humanity. The modus operandus is to invite short abstracts from people and then a review panel will form cognate groups on theme topics. Then each group would be asked to write a White Paper about one year before the OceanObs’19 meeting in Hawai’i for broad discussion and publication in Frontiers in Marine Science. At the meeting, the papers (which will now be black-and-white) will be consolidated into a plan for global management and governance.

We thought that would be easy for OES people, so we asked the OES Technology Committee Chairs where they thought they would be going in the next decade. The result was that a team of 17 co-authors from OES wrote the abstract that you see in the box. This is probably your first vision into the future.

On the basis of this abstract, we have been invited by the review panel to take the lead with two other abstract-groups to produce a paper titled: Future Vision for Autonomous and Remote

Observing Technologies. This White Paper is due on 30 September—almost one year ahead of the OceanObs’19 conference.
People who contributed to the abstract were (in semi-random order):

Mal Heron, Rene Garello, Bill Kirkwood, Jay Pearlman, Alain Maguer, Marcia Isakson, Frank Caimi, Ananya Sen Gupta, SiriJodha Khalsa, M.A. Atmanand, R. Venkatesan, Bishwajit Chakraborty, Shyam Madhusudhana, Maurizio Migliaccio, Andreas Marouchos, Marco Lanzagorta, and Christopher Whitt.