Harumi Sugimatsu and Robert Wernli
Welcome to the September 2021 issue of the Beacon. Although we seem to be living in a virtual world at this time, due to the virus, it certainly hasn’t slowed down our members and their involvement in the many society activities as reported herein. The largest of these is the OCEANS 2021 San Diego – Porto conference, which will be held about the time this issue is published. The virtual aspect of the conference, being handled by the Porto team, is looking very successful due to the inability of so many to travel. A full report on the conference will be provided in the next issue.
Our issue begins with the Report from the President that addresses the state of the society amid the COVID virus. In addition, it addresses the OES involvement in the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030). This is also detailed in a related article on the “Ocean Decade” and the planned involvement of the OES, to include our OCEANS and other conferences and events.
As documented in the following reports, our ExCom continues to be very active. The Journal EIC again provides recently released papers that are available to our members and our VP for Technical Activities provides the latest on our technical committee activities, chapters and Distinguished Lecturers. This activity is highlighted in the report from our VP for Workshops and Symposia with the amazing number of events that the OES has been involved in.

OCEANS 2013 San Diego AdCom meeting
An excellent report is provided on the second IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics Conference 2021 (COE). And, on a larger scale, our VP for OCEANS provides his perspective on where we are now with our primary conferences. In addition, he has prepared a technical report on engineers at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, who have developed one of the most advanced subsea holographic cameras in the world.
Our Chapters continue to be active. The Italy and Norway Chapters recently joined for a presentation by one of our Distinguished Lecturers.
Our members are certainly active and being recognized. Enjoy our Member Highlights, Who’s Who in the IEEE OES and the awards recently received by two of our outstanding members.
Two of our technical committees have also been quite active. The Technology Committee on Data Analytics, Integration and Modelling (DAIM) held their second webinar related to Machine Learning and its application to Oceanic Engineering. And the Polar Ocean Technology Committee hosted the third polar technology workshop—the Antarctic and Southern Ocean Forum.
Our last issue provided the list of excellent candidates and their statements for the 2022-2024 OES AdCom election. The results are included in this issue. Congratulations to those who will join, or were reelected to, the AdCom. If you’re interested in getting involved in the society, and maybe becoming a future AdCom candidate, contact our leaders. Also, our members can get good exposure by providing Member Activities for future issues of the Beacon. Maybe you’ll get highlighted like our latest Who’s Who in the IEEE OES.
There is a wealth of other information and articles in this issue that we hope you enjoy. And, as always, we’ll close by inviting you to participate in your society. Submit articles and material for the Beacon. Or . . . volunteer for other society activities as a participant or an elected officer. It’s your society and it is here to help you reach your professional goals. Enjoy.
San Diego Flashback – Your Beacon editors at the
OCEANS 2013 San Diego AdCom meeting