James Candy, OES AdCom member
The special session entitled the “Jean-Pierre Hermand Memorial” was held at OCEANS 2019 Marseille and was co-chaired by his loving wife Dominique Planchon-Hermand and James Candy. It was well-attended by many friends and colleagues. The session was opened by Dr. Candy briefly reviewing JP’s career accomplishments, both technical and professional leadership roles, summarizing with the now classic photo of JP and his companion bicycle. As recalled by Patricia Candy,
“JP was always joyful and supportive. The glimmer in his eyes and his mischievous smile could easily illuminate a room and bring great joy to those around him. If he could have traveled at the speed-of-light he would have, but instead he took his special bicycle everywhere.”
Dr. Dominique Planchon-Hermand then spoke of their relationship, family and a wealth of experiences they shared while attending a number of OCEANS Conferences together. Dr. Sergio Jesus then followed with a discussion of the joint experiments, workshops and texts produced during JP’s illustrious 10-year career at the Center for Maritime Research & Experimentation (CMRE) leading experiments with published results in conference proceedings and journal papers. Dr. Jesus recounted many of his joyful and humorous experiences of working with JP.
Dr. Andrea Caiti then detailed many of Dr. Jean-Pierre’s technical accomplishments and results of joint efforts, providing results that have led to further research in such areas as model-based matched field (time reversal) processing, sea-grass, geoacoustic inversion, and the development of theoretical adjoint methods for propagation. JP’s contributions to the IEEE along with his broadening relationships in South America (Rio Acoustics Conference) and Asia Pacific (Yellow Sea experiments) were also high-lighted during the session.