March 2024 OES Beacon

Society Strategic Plan

Brandy Armstrong, Executive VP,

Strategic Planning

Some of you may or may not know that we are approaching the Society’s 5-year review this fall (2024). The strategic plan (defined here as the combination of strategic and implementation plans) is a key component of the 5-year review. The strategic plan is used to guide every area of the Society’s operations. Society operations need to be reviewed annually to gage progress in relation to the goals set in the implementation piece of the Strategic Plan to ensure the Society is aligned with the Vision and Mission and ready for the next 5-year review.

In preparation for the 5-year review, the strategic planning committee was re-invigorated with volunteers in January of 2021. The committee has spent the past three-plus years working closely with the Administrative Committee (AdCom) to solicit Society input and update the Society Mission, Vision, and Values as well as the strategic plan. The graphic above details the process that was undertaken to ensure that Executive and Administrative Committee feedback (purple dots) was integral in all steps (Assess, Align and Act) of developing the strategic plan. A combination of tactics was used including three email surveys, many virtual meetings and four in person brainstorming sessions.

At the upcoming in person Administrative Committee meeting, we will discuss the strategic plan and how it can be used to help guide Society operations and help the society.

As we near the 5-year review, I would like to thank the Strategic Planning Committee, which includes Christopher Whitt (President), Amy Deeb (YP BOOST) and Andreas Marouchos (AdCom) for attending the many, often weekly, meetings to discuss and incorporate feedback at all steps along the way. I would also like to thank those within the five AdCom classes that gave us specific and constructive feedback throughout the process. We would not have been able to do the updates without your help.

I also want to remind everyone that the process does not end with the 5-year review. The strategic plan is a living document that is intended to be reviewed annually and updated as needed. Anyone who is interested in being involved in the strategic planning committee is welcome to contact the Executive Vice President at