Gerardo “Gerry” Acosta, OES Chapter Coordinator

Good to get in touch with you to tell you about the recent Chapters Chairs meetings we have recently celebrated on the 16th and 17th of February. We split into two meetings to adapt to reasonable hours in different time zones all around the world. So, on February 16th most attendees were from Asia, and on the 17th, from Europe and Americas. In total, we were 25 enthusiastic people (and we are currently 33 Chapters + 12 SB Chapters, with 3 VACANT chairs, so it is a good percentage). Dr. Amy Deeb, OES YP-BOOST laureate, 22-23, and I prepared some slides with useful tips and advice for attendees, to move within our OES and manage chapters. Even when the Society is short of money to provide financial support for chapters during this year, due to the pandemic crisis that decreased our revenues, Chapter Chairs were instructed about funding opportunities and how to identify the appropriate funding stream. We asked them to make their requests as far in advance as possible (2 months or more ideally) for Chapter’s funding on the order of $500-2000; larger amounts, such as for one-off initiatives, may also be considered but you must present the project to the AdCom. Specially to be considered is the Ocean Decade Initiative as another source for funding related activities. We also presented how to take advantage of the many facilities that we share by being part of the IEEE OES. For instance, the 15 Distinguished Lecturers that can give two or more talks per year and who are brilliant and experienced speakers on fascinating topics. We talked about the great number of awards that our Society is willing to spread among different regions, so we encourage Chapter Chairs to nominate their own chapter’s members for them. Other important OES facilities that we can leverage are the information dissemination of meetings and activities through social media and this Beacon in particular.
The final half of the meetings were devoted to the Chapters’ feedback. They shared their plans for this year, like the event that Hong-Kong chapter (Ch) is preparing for November, or the webinars that Indonesia Ch is programming for September. The SBCh of Shanghai is running two exciting field trips with prototype testing and academic lectures for this year. The Italian Ch is wishing to interact with other (geographically close) chapters to organize activities and get technical sponsorship of workshops and conferences. The United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland Chapter, the Chennai SBCh and the Singapore Ch and SBCh also shares their attractive plans for this year (international talks, ocean protection related activities, the AUV challenge, symposia and more). As you may see, OES is alive and active with tons of energy spread all over the world! Congratulations and success for all of them!
Stay upbeat and healthy and always tell me how I can help!