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“The Murugan Memorial Award” by:
Christopher Whitt, 2017 CAS Chair.
Ferial El-Hawary is the recipient of 2017 “The Murugan Memorial Award” and 2018 “Life Member Appreciation Citation Award” by the IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section (CAS) during their Annual General Meetings (AGM).
The Murugan Memorial Award
The Murugan Memorial Medal was established in June of 1986, one year after the tragic and untimely death of its namesake, Gnanendran Murugan, Chairman of the IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section 1983–84. This Medal is presented on an annual basis to “the member who best demonstrates the qualities of professionalism and dedication to the purposes of the IEEE”.
During the CAS/AGM, October 2017 which is considered as the traditional Awards Celebration Over Dinner Night and usually is well attended with IEEE members and nonmembers with invited speaker and some invited guests. Ferial was surprised by announcing her name as the recipient of 2017 The Murugan Memorial Award from the IEEE Canadian Atlantic Section (CAS).

Responding to the announcing of the Award, Ferial said: This Award reflects some memories to me that is never forgotten, especially that is quite touchy to our OES local Chapter. As stated above Mr. Murugan was the Chair of the CAS 1983–84, during his term in office he was seeking for an IEEE Volunteer to take the lead in establishing new OES Chapter since this was a necessary step to have a local OES Chapter as a spearheading for IEEE— OCEANS’1987 Conference in Halifax. That time I was starting my carrier in Academia as Engineering Faculty member in addition to my activities with OES in Paper Publications, then it was the best choice for Mr. Murugan to approach me with accepting the task in taking the lead of forming CAS/OES Chapter and to be the founding Chair. After couple of weeks of my acceptance to this task, Mr. Murugun and his family (Wife and two children) died in the tragic Air India crash during their visit back home in India, which was a complete shock to all of us who live with his good memories.

Some IEEE members with Invited Guest Speaker, sharing the Award Celebration with Ferial over
the dinner at the CAS/AGM Event.
My recent Award during CAS/AGM, November 2018 was the “Life Member Appreciation Citation Award” by the CAS In Recognition and Honour of the Membership Grade of Life Member.
I wish to express my thanks with appreciation to the IEEE —CAS members who nominated me and have confidence in me.
Dr. Ferial El-Hawary, IEEE Life Fellow
IEEE-Board of Directors 2008-2009
IEEE-Canada President 2008-2009
IEEE/OES AdCom member 2019-2021
Formal, Prof., Dalhousie University
TEL: (902) 449-5110