Harumi Sugimatsu and Robert Wernli

Welcome to the June 2022 issue of the Beacon. Before we discuss this issue’s primary articles, there are a couple significant points that stand out. The first is the ever-increasing international membership and participation in the OES. You can see this in the list of candidates running in the on-going AdCom election that are from Australia/Tasmania, India, China, Croatia, Scotland, Romania and the U.S. This is also supported by the varied international OES sponsored events. Second is the OES goals to encourage and increase the involvement of our young professionals and women in engineering that is supported through our YP BOOST and WIE PROPEL Laureates and the many student chapters and academic events. The goal of OES to reach out to all international members is certainly being met as you’ll see throughout this issue.
Now, back to the Beacon. As usual, our issue begins with a report from our President, which is followed by reports from our VPs for Technical Activities (VPTA), OCEANS (VPO) and Workshops and Symposia (VPWS). As shown in the reports from our technical committees, and of completed events, such as the Ocean Sciences Meeting 2022 (OSM22), and the plans for future events, your society is working hard to keep the networking and technical interaction at a high level for all members. And, strides are being made in getting back to in-person events as most in the near future are, at a minimum, in a hybrid format. And a positive point for the hybrid events is that many can attend who would not have had an opportunity before for various reasons.

Co-editor, and his wife Bev, finally got away on a
California coastal cruise. Cheers!!
The Journal EIC again provides recently released papers that are available to our members. And we’ll be adding more papers to that list in the future as you’ll see in the reports on the very successful OCEANS 2022 Chennai conference, OTC Asia and OTC Houston. And be sure to review the results of the Chennai Student Poster Competition, including the winning paper and an article by its author on the benefits of attending the conference virtually. And be sure to mark your calendars for OCEANS 2022 Hampton Roads this October.
Our Chapters continue to be active. This activity is highlighted in the reports from our Hong Kong, Japan and Canadian Atlantic chapters. Our members are certainly active and being recognized. Enjoy our Who’s Who in the OES.
There is a wealth of other information and articles in this issue that we hope you enjoy. And, as always, we’ll close by inviting you to participate in your society. Submit articles and material for the Beacon. Or . . . volunteer for other society activities as a participant or an elected officer. It’s your society and it is here to help you reach your professional goals. Enjoy.
And, for a final comment: Let’s toast the future. After years of being locked down due to COVID, your Beacon editors finally got away for a bit of enjoyment, so here’s “Cheers” to all.