Stephanie Kemna, OES Calendar Coordinator
Hi all!

Photo courtesy of Farheen Fauziya
I am Stephanie Kemna, former IEEE OES Young Professional (YP) Boost recipient for 2019, and now OES Calendar Coordinator!
I got involved with IEEE OES in 2018 when I first applied to the YP Boost program but was still in a PhD program. I then started participating in the student activities meetings, headed by Brandy Armstrong, and became a social media reporter at OCEANS 2018 Charleston, which meant my conference visit was co-funded by IEEE OES. That was an ideal situation for someone who had just graduated and started at a new company! After OCEANS Charleston I applied again for the YP Boost program, and received funding in 2019 to attend both OCEANS conferences in Marseille and Seattle, while getting the opportunity to become more involved with IEEE OES.
Here I am at OCEANS Marseille, dubiously awaiting what the caricaturist will make of me.. 🙂
Photo courtesy of Farheen Fauziya
At both conferences I coordinated the social media reporting for IEEE OES, and I also participated as a judge in the student poster competition (SPC). Furthermore, I attended the IEEE OES AdCom meetings, and learned more about the society. These opportunities have been a lot of fun and also very rewarding! You get the chance to see more of the ocean engineering field, beyond your own expertise, interact with both junior and senior people in the field, and feel part of a broader community, that really appreciates your contributions.
This year, I am trying to do my share by keeping track of upcoming conferences for the calendar on our website –
Our calendar lists OES sponsored events and workshops, as well as OES recommended or relevant IEEE events. A lot of events are currently being postponed or canceled given the global pandemic, so hopefully we can keep track and provide you with the latest information, or at least provide you with a handy place with easy access to websites of conferences to check the latest info. Kind of like your private bookmark folder, but without having to share that between computers – just browse to our calendar page from any PC!
We hope you are also looking forward to some exciting conferences, whether virtual or in person.