March 2019 OES Beacon

Scope of the OES Professional Activities Area

Jim Collins, Vice President of Professional Activities

In recent years there has been a major shift in the focus of OES Professional Activities facilitated by new features and applications available on the internet. The OES continually evolves and grows by using these new tools and techniques for providing members with the ability to enhance their professional, social, economic and ethical status. Members are involved developing students activities, Women in Engineering groups, Young Professionals groups, and Social Media tools that will support their efforts. Continuing education of members and promoting activities with other professional organizations such as the Marine Technology Society (MTS) will further the aims of the IEEE and the Society, The OES has high quality non-peer reviewed publications, such as the OES Beacon and the OES website,, to support the goals of the membership and promote the OES to potential members. In the following paragraphs we provide more detail on these activities.

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