March 2024 OES Beacon

Decade of Ocean Science in Qingdao

Author Jixin Liu, OES Ambassador for Ocean Decade of Science

Jixin Liu is finalising his PhD degree at the Ocean University of China in Qingdao. He is a graduate student member of IEEE. His proposal to the Ocean Decade Initiative Committee had a plan to promote the Ocean Decade in universities of Shandong province.

This ambassador programme aims to promote the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development among students and staff in the Shandong Province, China, area. Campus promotion was the first activity to be carried out. Banners and posters were placed in several locations on campus since July 2023. The locations are mainly in the college and academic buildings, canteens, dormitories, elevators and entrances. The vision of the Ocean Decade was conveyed to the students through beautiful pictures and brief text. The vision is “the science we need for the ocean we want.” The mission is “transformative ocean science solutions for sustainable development, connecting people and our ocean.” Approximately 3,000 students and faculty have viewed the banners or posters. This activity inspired teachers and students to participate in the Ocean Decade.

The next phase of the ambassador programme was to organize campus presentations in August, 2023, with student representatives from Ocean University of China, China Jiliang University, and Shandong University of Science and Technology. The presentations took a combination of online and offline, with more than 300 students attending. We focused on the origins and development of the Ocean Decade. The vision and mission of the Ocean Decade were highlighted. The challenges and framework for action for the Ocean Decade were analyzed for the group. We rented the venue and related equipment and provided food and beverages at the venue. Promotional souvenirs and small gifts were provided for the students who participated.

Behind these activities, a photo competition with the Ocean Decade theme was organized from July to August, focusing on the ocean environment, ocean equipment and other aspects. The photo competition attracted more than 80 students and collected nearly 100 entries. After the jury’s selection, ten entries were awarded the following: One first prize, three second prizes and six third prizes. Three of the prize-winning photos are shown above. The most popular photo is in the centre, with the second and third on the left and right, respectively. The fourth activity in this programme was to organize a group of students to participate in the 2023 East Asia Marine Cooperation Platform Qingdao Forum to inspire them to devote themselves to research and the Ocean Decade. The Forum invited Erik Solheim, former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UNEP, to deliver a keynote speech, “Joint Effort in Ocean Decade to Strengthen International Cooperation.” He called on young international scientists to actively participate in the implementation plan of the UN Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030).

Poster in the foyer in the Ocean University of China.
Students at a Decade of Science presentation.
Dr. Fei Yu participated in the Ocean Decade campaign.
Beacon and evening sunsets in Sanya. Photographed by Changle Jiang.
Students conducted marine surveys in the South China Sea. From left to right: Lingzhi Zhang, Jixin Liu, Shuyi Wu, Yuanke Du with the Sailfish AUV. Photographed by Bo He.
Tropical fish and undersea environment in Sanya. Photographed by Xiaoqing Xu.
Students participated in the 2023 East Asia Marine Cooperation Platform Qingdao Forum. From left to right: Jixin Liu, Quanlin Qiu, Haipeng Cui, Shuaikang Yang, Qianxi Zhang, Lu Liu, Darui Yang, Wenlong Shao, Zengshuai Yang.