March 2024 OES Beacon

From the Vice President for Workshops & Symposia (March 2024)

Gerardo Acosta, Chapter Coordinator

Gerardo “Gerry” Acosta, VP for W&S

It is with great satisfaction that I inform you that our OES is extremely active in organizing workshops and symposiums in various regions of our blue planet. Indeed, during the last third of last year and the first part of 2024, several events were held, as can be seen in this same issue of our Beacon.

The Conference about Artificial Intelligence and Sea – SeaAI 2023, held at the University of Haifa last June and reported by Prof. Itzik Klein, had a large audience of about 200 attendees. They had the opportunity to enjoy a lecture from Prof. Mandar Chitre. Francesco Maurelli, OES YP-BOOST, tells us about the great experience of the 6th Marine Robotics School Workshop at the CSIR National Institute of  Oceanography (NIO) in Goa, India, last November. They counted on the fundamental contributions of renowned people like Prof. Pramod Maurya and Prof. Antonio Pascoal.

The 2023 International Symposium on Ocean Technology (SYMPOL 2023) was organized by the Department of Electronics of the Cochin University of Science and Technology, in Kochi, India, during last December.  Several very interesting talks were given by experts during this symposium with a vast tradition in India. On the other hemisphere, many of us could enjoy the ENAEM 2023 – Argentine Meeting on Marine Energies, where wave energy converters were the main focus of this workshop, during the first days of November. We provided support from the OES with travel grants to twenty-seven students and young professionals from different parts of this South American country.

We started this year with the second Winter School on Underwater Network Simulations and experimentation (UNWiS), held in Padova, Italy. As reported by Filippo Campagnaro also in this Beacon’s edition, the school was theoretical and practical, with an interesting session of hands-on exercises every day where attendees could apply concepts they received from different talks.

And for the next months we plan to give support to the IEEE/OES Thirteenth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM) in Wanchese, NC, USA (March 18th), SAUVC 2024 – Singapore AUV Challenge (April 5th), the SusTech 2024 – 11th Annual IEEE Conference on Technology for Sustainability in Portland, OR, USA (April 14th), the OES China Ocean Acoustics Conference in Harbin, China (May 29th), the RAMI – Robotics for Asset Maintenance and Inspections – Marine Robots Competition 2024 in La Spezia, Italy (during July), and also in La Spezia the Ucomms conference is expected to be held by September. We will also have the 2024 IEEE OES AUV Symposium in Boston, MA, USA (September 18th), the 2024 edition of the IEEE OES BtS – Breaking the Surface, also by September, the MIW – Marine Imaging Workshop in Monterey, CA, USA (October 7th), the USYS – IEEE 10th Int’l Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory & Applications, in Xi’an, China (October 11th), and the Metro Sea 2024 – IEEE Int’l Workshop on Metrology for the Sea in Portorose, Slovenia (October 14th). As you may see, we have twelve events for 2024! We will keep updating our website with exhaustive information about this. Particularly for the 2024 IEEE OES AUV Symposium, keep in mind that the ending dates for submitting abstracts/papers are very close, in case you want to present part of your work. (

If you wish to get involved in these workshops or propose new ones, please contact me at In addition, keep in mind that our OES offers the possibility of both technical and financial sponsorship. In order to consider the latter in the budget, it is necessary to submit requests for support during the first half of the calendar year. Specifically, until the first days of June for the W&S that will be held during the following year. On our website, there is a detailed guide for these presentations ( and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a safe and pleasant navigation and always tell me how I can help you!