Technology Committees

Technology Committees and Chairs

The OES Technology Committee Coordinator

Prof. M. A. Atmanand
Visiting Professor, Indian Institute of Technology – Madras, Chennai, India
Director (Ret.), National Institute of Ocean Technology, India

1. Technology Committees

Technology Committee Chair (term 2025-2026) Co-Chair(s) Keywords
Autonomous Maritime Systems Hayato Kondo
Ahbilash Somayajula

Bharath Kalyan

Marine & maritime systems; Unmanned vehicles; Automatic control; Navigation; Multi-asset operations
Data Analytics and AI Gopu Potty
Zool Hilmi Ismail
Numerical modelling & simulation; Pattern recognition; Algorithm development; Visualization; Data fusion; Information generation
Energy Ye Li
Renewables (offshore wind, wave, tidal); Energy Storage & Transfer/Transport; Battery Technology; Electrification; Environmental considerations/implications
Living Resources Suleman Mazhar
Ananya Sen Gupta
Biological Oceanography; Biodiversity Monitoring (photogrammetry, active and passive acoustics); Fauna distribution & abundance estimation; Ocean/ecosystem Health; Reef Assessments & Restoration; Fisheries; Aquaculture
Moorings and Structures Andreas Marouchos
Ocean structures; Floating structures; Moorings, riggings, & anchors; Buoy technology; Observatories; Seafloor engineering; Materials Science; Pipelines; Deepwater development technology; Extreme weather infrastructure; Distributed biological observatories; Coastal and offshore construction; Coastal engineering
Optics and Imaging Haiyong Zheng
John Watson
Classical Optics, Quantum Optics, Photonic Devices, Imaging, Computer Vision, Optical Sensing; E-M sensing; Optics technology instrumentation; sonar imaging
Oceanography and Meteorology Weimin Huang
Physical Oceanography; Geological Oceanography; Chemical Oceanography; Metocean;
Climate Science; Marine geophysics; Hydrodynamics; Hydrography; Ocean exploration; Coastal zone management; Polar observations & monitoring
Remote Sensing Ferdinando Nunziata
Paolo de Mattheis

Jiahua Zhu

Satellite telemetry; Coastal radars HF Ocean Radar; Geophysical monitoring; Drones; SAR; Synthetic aperture sonar; Resource assessment
Metrology and
Roee Diamant
Yang Yang
Sensor Development; Instrument Validation; Calibration; Sensor Survivability; Sensor fusion/synergy; Observation systems; Measurement technology (for currents, salinity, pH, etc.); Cables and Connectors
Underwater Acoustics Mehdi Rahmati
Monika Agarwal
Acoustical oceanography; Environmental acoustics & Ocean noise; Bioacoustics; Seismo-acoustics; Sonar signal processing; Sonar imaging; Array processing; Array design; Acoustical telemetry
Underwater Communication and
Milica Stojanovic
Mandar Chitre
Underwater acoustic & EM communication (physical layer), at-sea communication networks, underwater positioning, underwater channel modelling; Link-layer and network-layer techniques
Emerging Technologies & Other Oceanic Engineering Topics This ‘special’ TC, which is directly under the purview of the VPTA and the TC Coordinator, serves as a home for topics that are not covered in any of the above TCs.


2. Technology Committees Overview

The technical scope of the Oceanic Engineering Society is very broad, encompassing the many specialties within electronic & electrical engineering that are applied in the ocean environment. To provide a focus for these within the OES, technology committees have been formed.  The underlying philosophy is that Technology Committees should each have a clearly defined area of technology as their basis, and then have a scope that includes development of the technology and its applications, and expresses some idea about how their technology benefits humanity. This totem pole going from the foundations in technology to the benefits to humanity sets IEEE-OES apart from many of the ocean-related societies like the science-focused AGU on one hand and the technologically focused MTS on the other.  There are currently 12 Technology Committees and their titles, scopes, keywords and leadership details can be found in Section 3 below.   If you would like to participate in one of these committees, or if you have ideas for the formation of another committee, please contact the Technology Committees Coordinator or the chair of the committee in which you are interested.

The function of an OES Technology Committee, as specified in the OES Bylaws, is summarized below.

The FUNCTION OF AN OES TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE is to promote activities in its field under the overall supervision and administration of ADCOM and to provide the expert knowledge and assistance to:

  • Organize and operate sessions at meetings of IEEE at all levels and at meetings of other organizations with which the OES Society is desirous of cooperating.  They may organize technical symposia and conferences in the area of their technical coverage.
  • Arrange through the Publication Committee and appropriate editors for publishing pertinent papers in IEEE publications.
  • Encourage, generate and review papers within their scope in cooperation with the Journal Editor.


3. Technology Committee Activity Funding Scheme

The purpose of the OES TCAF scheme is to empower Technology Committees to plan and carry out activities by simplifying the support process.

A fund is set aside annually in the OES budget for the TECAF Scheme, and Technology Committee Chairs (TCCs) are invited to request support for specific planned events or activities.  Proposals are be invited up to 2 years ahead to allow planning for Workshops or Symposia, or on a shorter time scale for conference special sessions or streams, and on an even shorter time scale for technical meetings and events.  The TECAF Scheme can support planning or promotion activities and assistance, where appropriate, for a volunteer who is affiliated with a Technology Committee to attend an activity.  Note that formal meetings like Workshops and Symposia must be approved by AdCom at least one year in advance and that approval includes budget estimates and possibly requests for funding.  Normally a proposal to the TECAF Scheme for meetings and activities will show significant support from other sources.

The TECAF Scheme is administered by the Technology Committees Coordinator in consultation with the VPTA. There is no closing date because the TECAF Scheme operates on a rolling schedule. For this reason, Technology Committee Chairs are encouraged to submit their proposals as early as possible to the Technology Committees Coordinator.

For proposals that are approved, funds will be disbursed by the OES treasurer.  OES will require an expenses report, and an article in the Beacon Newsletter for each funded project.  Each activity or event should have an outreach element that promotes the Society and its membership.