H2O Competition 2024
Suleman Mazhar, TPC Co-Chair, COA 2024 and Qi Bin, Harbin Engineering University
The third IEEE/OES China Ocean Acoustics Conference 2024 was held from 29-31 May, 2024, and was the first in-person meeting after three years of COA 2021 (which was organized as a hybrid event due to post-COVID situation). The conference was organized and hosted by the college of Underwater Acoustics Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, China, technically co-sponsored by IEEE Ocean Engineering Society and technically and financially co-sponsored by IEEE Harbin Section. Conference program featured 6 key-note talks, over 20 invited lectures, industry stalls, and around 200 technical talks and poster presentations. More than 300 Chinese and foreign scholars from over 100 acoustic research institutes in the USA, UK, Russia, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Pakistan, Japan and India joined the meeting to discuss cutting edge international research related to different fields of ocean acoustics.

On 30 May, professor Qiao Gang (Dean, College of Underwater Acoustics, HEU) opened the conference with a welcoming note to all the participants of the COA 2024. Academician Yang Desen (conference co-chair COA), Professor Yu Zhiwen Jingwei (VP Harbin Engineering University), and Professor Suleman Mazhar (technical program co-chair COA) delivered the welcoming speeches in the opening ceremony. Professor Yang Desen welcomed the arrival of new and old friends and expressed his sincere wishes for all the participants. He pointed out that underwater acoustics is a classical but youthful discipline as evident by the participation of experts from all over the world. He expressed his hope that participants would find new inspiration and innovative ideas for their research through this academic exchange and will make new friends and collaborations through this meeting. The author welcomed the participants on behalf of IEEE-OES and expressed his optimism in the collective wisdom of scientific community, for the good of humanity and for finding innovative solutions for world problems in the context of emerging AI technologies.
Keynotes and Invited Talks
There were six keynote presentations and over 20 special invited talks by distinguished speakers from mainland, India, Japan, Pakistan, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, UK and USA. Two of these invited talks were delivered by Professor Chi-Fang Chen (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) and Professor Milica Stojanovic (North Eastern University, USA). Professor Chi-Fang talked about passive acoustic monitoring of North Atlantic Right
Whales (NARWs) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the soundscape studies in that area. Professor Milica’s talk focused on feedback-based transmit beamforming, explaining its fundamental principles and outlining solutions suitable for acoustic channels with delayed feedback. She discussed multi-carrier signal processing algorithms for both uplink and downlink transmission, with coherent and differentially coherent signal detection based on an in-air acoustic communications test-bed. Dr. Venugopalan Pallayil (Principal Research Scientist, ARL National University of Singapore) talked about Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and explained how undersea fiber optic cables hold the future for marine sensing and gave some examples of recent projects, exploiting governmental and commercial synergies, in the region. In another invited talk, Professor Philippe Blondel (University of Bath, UK) presented some interesting insights from his research work about range of underwater acoustic applications in marine exploration, soundscape mapping, renewable energy devices and passive acoustic monitoring of Arctic environments. His talk provided an interesting futuristic view of Big Marine Data, automated near-real-time data collection and processing and cloud-based virtual observatories. Professor Kazuo Ishii (Kyutech, Japan) and Professor Rizal Arshad (UTM, Malaysia) delivered invited talks on themes related to underwater robotics.

Posters & Awards Ceremony
This year marked the second episode of H2O Technology Innovation competition sponsored by Harbin Engineering University. Eleven projects were shortlisted for site-demos and poster presentation. First prize was awarded to “An integrated system for underwater acoustic communication and localization based on vector arrays” from Harbin Engineering University. Second position was shared by two students from Pakistan, namely, Mansoor Jan for poster titled “Deep learning based joint underwater acoustic OFDM channel estimation and peak to average power ratio reduction” and Shahabuddin Shaikh for his field work on “Acoustic Properties of the Novel Marine Sediment Samples from the Arabian Sea.” Third prize was jointly shared by Bashar Oderah (Syria) and team led by Hao Li (China) for their posters titled “Air-Water Cross-Medium Communication Method Based on Acoustically-Induced Small-Scale Wave Detection on the Water Surface” and “Marine Noise Suppression of PPTC Propeller using PressurePores Technology” respectively.
On 31 May, all participants joined the conference dinner and the award ceremony at the university hotel. During the award ceremony, cash prizes and certificates were distributed for the best session papers, the H2O Technology Innovation Competition, session chairs and conference volunteers.
Industry Exhibition, IEEE-OES Booth & Poster Session
Industry booths were arranged in the exhibition hall where latest underwater acoustic equipment, underwater vehicles and sonar systems were displayed. A poster session was also arranged in the same hall along with a special IEEE-OES booth disseminating the information about IEEE-OES membership and technical activities for students, young professionals and the experienced researchers.
Organizing COA 2024 was a challenging yet a rewarding task as it required a lot of effort to coordinate with guests and speakers coming from different counties. It was a successful event as depicted by the active participation of the audience. We developed new linkages and collaborations and made new friends! It was all made possible, thanks to our active young and experienced participants, volunteers and supporters. Looking forward to seeing you all again at OCEANS 2026 Sanya!

Poster session

Industry booth

Speakers engaged in a discussion

Session Break