March 2024 OES Beacon

VPTA Column (March 2024)

Shyam Madhusudhana, VP for Technical Activities

As I embark on my second year as the VP for Technical Activities, a look back at 2023 reveals a successful year of serving the Society’s membership. Our Technology Committees (TCs) exhibited increased activity, with all the Chairs leading their roles with vigor. Beacon carried regular reports from the TC Chairs throughout 2023. As we aim to keep that momentum going in 2024, Weimin Huang (Chair of the CWTMA TC) has already gotten us off to a fantastic start by organizing an exciting webinar. You can read more about the event in an article authored by him in this edition of Beacon. Our Distinguished Lecturers (DLs) were quite busy as well, having delivered ten talks during the year, all across the globe. With the appointment of five new DLs for the term 2024–26, we now have a healthier roster of 15 DLs, covering a diverse mix of competences. As I shall continue to push the DLs to fulfil the objectives of IEEE OES DL programme, we aim to beat the previous year’s tally of delivered talks. With over 20 events organized in 2023, our Chapters also contributed handsomely to the year’s success. This year, we shall strive to make tractable the activities of our Chapters around the globe. Maurizio Migliaccio, who started his term as the Chapters Coordinator this year, is already busy collating up-to-date records of Chapters’ leadership and ironing out inconsistencies on our website.

As we stroll into 2024, our ongoing efforts on the overhauling of TCs is well on track for completion later in the year. I am also thrilled to mention that the IEEE-OES Summer School will be piloting at the upcoming Singapore OCEANS. The School will be a 2-day event held just prior to the conference and offers attendees an immersive sortie into the breaths of oceanic engineering, related technologies and applications, along with networking opportunities and interactions with industry. Many thanks to Venugopalan Pallayil, Hari Vishnu, and Bharath Kalyan (all members of the Singapore OCEANS Local Organizing Committee) for supporting various aspects of the legwork in organizing the School. You can read more about it and see the faculty roster & list of talks at

The call for DL nominations for the term 2025–27 is now open; you can find a separate article pertaining to that in this edition of Beacon. A virtual meeting of the Chapter Chairs is scheduled in mid-March. For the first time in years, we return to an in-person meeting of the TC Chairs (during Singapore OCEANS). Looking forward to scaling new heights in 2024!