Events March 2024 OES Beacon

Marine Robotics School Workshop

Francesco Maurelli, OES YP-BOOST  2023-2024

The MRS panel at NIO entrance, showing IEEE OES support

Intensive technical schools are a great way for students and researchers to dive deeper into their subject of interest, being fully focused, networking with peers, learning from experts in the field. That is why the CSIR National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) in Goa, India, hosted the 6th edition of a Marine Robotics School (MRS) in November 2023, with the participation of students, researchers, and practitioners from a wide spectrum of institutions and commercial companies. IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society decided to support selected students from OES student branches in India, in order to give the opportunity to more people to participate in this important event. This also served to increase OES visibility in India, a country that is significantly investing in marine technology and engineering. The motors of the school were Pramod Maurya (NIO) and Antonio Pascoal (IST), who did a truly incredible job. The school program had over 30 speakers from renowned institutions worldwide who truly inspired the participants. Field demonstrations were pivotal to understand NIO assets and capabilities and for companies to showcase their products. Below is the feedback from the student who participated in the workshop with the support of OES.

Priya Pandey, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

NIO testing facility in Goa, during field activities at MRS

Participating in the Marine Robotics School Workshop was an enriching and captivating experience that provided me with profound insights into the diverse array of robots and technologies employed in marine exploration.

Upon entering the workshop venue, I immediately sensed the atmosphere brimming with anticipation and enthusiasm. The walls adorned with posters showcasing various marine robots, ranging from autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) to remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), set the stage for an immersive learning experience.

The workshop commenced with engaging presentations by seasoned experts in the field, who generously shared their expertise and experiences. Through their informative talks and hands-on demonstrations, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the roles and functionalities of different types of marine robots.

One of the workshop’s most memorable aspects was the opportunity to interact closely with the marine robots on display. From sleek and agile AUVs designed for precise underwater navigation to robust ROVs equipped with advanced sensors and manipulators, each robot showcased the remarkable advancements in marine technology.

Pramod Maurya (NIO) and Antonio Pascoal (IST) opening MRS (right), and the celebration cake for Antonio’s birthday (left)

Throughout the workshop sessions, I was particularly fascinated by the myriad applications of marine robotics across various industries, including marine science, offshore exploration, and underwater archaeology. Witnessing firsthand how these robots contribute to ocean exploration and research deepened my appreciation for their importance in understanding marine ecosystems.

Furthermore, the workshop fostered a conducive environment for networking and collaboration. Engaging in discussions and exchanging ideas with fellow participants and experts allowed me to broaden my perspective and forge meaningful connections within the marine robotics community.

As the workshop drew to a close, I departed with a renewed sense of inspiration and curiosity. The experience had not only equipped me with valuable knowledge but also instilled a profound appreciation for the complexities of marine technology. Armed with newfound insights, I felt eager to embark on further explorations and delve deeper into the captivating world of marine robotics.