March 2024 OES Beacon

From the VP For Professional Activities (March 2024)

Elizabeth L. Creed, Vice President for Professional Activities

2023 was a good year for OES membership.  We ended the year with just under 1900 members, an 8% increase over 2022.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, three OES Student Branch Chapters were approved by IEEE: University of Haifa, Israel; University of Limerick, Ireland; and Southwest Petroleum University, China.  Welcome aboard!  We look forward to your involvement in OES activities.

The inaugural edition of the quarterly Student Newsletter (Winter 2024) was distributed to all OES student members in the middle of February.  It contains links to a variety of student activities and opportunities including upcoming workshops and conferences, Student Poster Competitions, Berth of Opportunity, and Ocean Decade Initiative Projects.  Comments and suggestions, as well as volunteering to assist in the generation of future Student Newsletters, should be sent to:

The two 2024-2025 YP (Young Professionals) BOOST Laureates were announced at the end of December. Fifteen applications were received for these two positions.  After careful review by the YP Committee, led by Roberto Petroccia, Karen Renninger-Rojas and Real Gaultier, the final two were selected. Congratulations!  For more information on the newest OES YP BOOST Laureates, see the article in this issue.

The YP BOOST Laureates are collaborating with their MTS counterparts on the YP/ECOP (Early Career Ocean Professionals) program for OCEANS Singapore.   The program, on Wednesday, 17 April during lunch, will be a discussion on funding opportunities and grant preparation for Young Professionals. Panelists with experience in academia, industry and government funding in different regions of the world will start the program with an overview.   Then the floor will be open for questions and discussion from the audience.  This is a great opportunity for YPs attending OCEANS Singapore to learn the ins and outs of the funding process from people who have been successful in receiving grants from a variety of sources.

The YP Newsletter will make its debut later this year.  If you are interested in volunteering to help with the Newsletter, please contact the VP for Professional Activities:

In early March 2024, the OES Arrears Committee will have done an outreach to all individuals who did not renew their membership for 2024.  The goal of this committee is to 1) encourage people to renew their membership and 2) gather feedback from those who are not renewing on their reasons why they made that decision.  The feedback will be used to guide future OES activities and member benefits.

At OCEANS 2024 Singapore, the OES will be hosting an OES member only reception on Tuesday evening, 16 April, from 7 – 9 pm at the Copthorne Hotel.  Please join us.