June 2024 OES Beacon

OCEANS 2024 Singapore -A Brief Review

Venugopalan Pallayil, General Co-Chair of OCEANS 2024 Singapore

The conference venue (left); the unique infinity pool on top of the conference center hotel was an attraction for many delegates.

Singapore hosted its second in-person OCEANS conference successfully during 15 to 18 April 2024. The conference was held at the Sands Expo Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, one of the top conference centers in Singapore.

Two ‘satellite events’ namely the Singapore AUV Challenge (SAUVC) and the Summer School added more vibrancy to the overall conference programme, which was stretched over two weeks. These two events provided an opportunity for some of the students to participate in all the actions leading to the conference and was an enriching experience for them as well as for the organizers. Separate reports on these two activities have been covered elsewhere in this Newsletter. One unique feature of OCEANS 2024 Singapore was that all the conference events were held at the same venue and spread around the same floor so that the delegates could move between technical sessions, poster sessions, plenaries, panel discussions and the exhibition freely and easily.

The Guest of honor for the conference was Mr. Desmond Lee, the Minister for National Development, Singapore. He spoke high about the need for organizing conferences like OCEANS in Singapore and the need of the hour is to understand how climate change and related issues will impact small islands like Singapore. The minister also formally opened the exhibition after his inaugural address. The opening speech by the Minister can be accessed here: https://www.mnd.gov.sg/newsroom/speeches/view/speech-by-minister-desmond-lee-at-the-oceans-2024-conference

Mr. Lee also posted his comments on the conference on his social media outlets and following are the links to the same.



The Local Organising Committee with Presidents of the two Societies

Local Organising Committee

General Co-Chair Venugopalan Pallayil
General Co-Chair Chia Chin Swee
Technical Chair Mandar Chitre
Finance Chair Koay Teong Beng
Exhibit Chair Bharath Kalyan
Tutorial Chair Hari Vishnu
Student Poster Competition Chair Too Yuen Min
Local Arrangement Chair Luyuan Peng
Exhibit Co-Chair Phillip Thomas
Promotional Chair Manu Ignatius
Webmaster Chair Rajat Mishra

Zdenka Willis from Marine Technology Society and Ken Tekagi from IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society served as liaisons.

Minister with LOC members, honorary chair, Prof. Chan Eng Soon, Plenary speakers Dr. Rick Spinrad and Dr. Meghan Cronin, IEEE OES President Brandy Armstrong and MTS President Justin Manley at the Tropical Marine Science Institute Booth.


It is estimated that there were close to 950 attendees of which over 300 were trade visitors. The actual numbers are not available at the time of preparation of this article. There was representation from 44 countries among registered delegates. There were 45 paid exhibitor booths and complimentary booths of one each was provided to the two sponsoring societies and two future OCEANS organisers (Brest 2025 and Sanya 2026) respectively.

Technical Programme

The technical programme had all the usual OCEANS’ flavours covering general topics of interest as well as topics that were of local interest. The programme was built around the conference theme “Climate resilience, coastal protection and a sustainable Ocean.” There were plenaries, panel discussions, student poster competition and general posters as well as tutorials organised as part of the technical programme. About 325 technical papers were presented over three days.

One of the tutorial sessions in progress.


The tutorials were offered at a nominal cost to participants with full registration and with an extra cost to others. There were three tutorials held and all were reasonably well attended. Below table shows the tutorial topics and number of attendees.

Title of Tutorial and duration Number of attendees
Detection of Underwater Acoustic Signals: Theory and Techniques (full day) 31
AUV Technologies and Application Basics (half day) 21
Data meets Model Predictive Control: from Classical MPC to an online adaptive direct data-driven navigation and control of autonomous vessels (half day) 25


Attendees were offered IEEE Continuing Education Units or CEU credits if they wish to.

Dr Rick Spinrad giving his plenary ‘Facing the Climate Change’


OCEANS 2024 Singapore showcased two plenaries immediately after the conference and exhibition opening. The first plenary on “Facing Climate Change” was delivered by Dr. Rick Spinrad, Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere & NOAA Administrator. The second plenary titled “The Big Ocean and Atmosphere Meet Up” was presented by Dr. Meghan Cronin, Oceanographer, NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory Co-Chair, Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS). During a short break between the two plenaries, Prof. Rene Garello, General Chair for OCEANS 2025 Brest, presented a promotional video on Brest OCEANS. There was no overlap between the technical sessions and the plenaries to ensure maximum attendance.

Panel Discussions

In line with the conference theme, three panels were held under the IEEE OES Ocean Decade Initiative. All the panels were well attended and there was engaging discussions among the panelists and attendees, which went beyond the scheduled time. One of the panel discussions was on “Ocean Observing Platforms and Technologies for Ocean Decade: Perspectives and Prospects” where the panelists discussed some of emerging ocean observing autonomous platforms and technologies relevant to the UN Ocean Decade theme ‘the science we need for the oceans we want.’

Another panel titled “UN Ocean Decade: Shifting Mindsets, Overcoming Barriers” identified and discussed the barriers that impede progress toward the UN Ocean Decade goals and to explore strategies for fostering a shift in mindset among professionals working in ocean-related fields. You can read the report on the panel in this issue too.  The third panel discussion was on the theme “The integration of Marine Science and Oceanic Engineering Communities in South-East Asia.” This session was aimed at bringing together marine scientists, policy makers and ocean engineers based in South-East Asia (SEA) to join hands to discuss what would be appropriate research collaboration platforms that can spur better collaboration in the region. IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society supported the last two of the three panel discussions through its Ocean Decade Initiative Programme.

Panel on ‘Ocean Observing Platforms and Technologies: Perspectives and Prospects

Student Poster Competition (SPC) and General Posters (GP)

Over 70 submissions were received under the SPC category with 40 odd General Poster submissions. After a two-stage review, 17 papers were selected for SPC and 16 of them turned up. The SPC was supported by Office of Naval Research Global who provided a grant to cover both the travel and registration fee for the participating students. Schmidt Ocean Institute sponsored the prize money for the winners. Details of SPC is provided in a separate report in this newsletter.

Social Events

Welcome Reception

Over 400 delegates attended the welcome reception held at the foyer of Marina Bay Sands Convention Centre on 15 April 2024. It was a free and easy event with ample food and beverages served. Bhangra, a type of traditional folk dance of Punjab area of the Indian subcontinent was the highlight of the event, which got the participants excited and engaged.

Exhibitor Reception

The exhibitor reception was held on 16 April at the exhibit hall with sumptuous food and beverages. This event was attended by over 450 delegates.

Delegates at the Exhibitor Reception

Panel on ‘Ocean Observing Platforms and Technologies: Perspectives and Prospects

Gala Dinner

The Gala dinner was held on 17 April at the venue Orchid ball room and over 500 delegates attended the dinner. The sit-in dinner was more convenient when compared to a buffet type where delegates have to queue for a long time before they can get food for themselves. The sit-in style also promoted more interactions with the delegates from different parts of the world. The dinner featured local 5-course Chinese culinary. There was a simple cultural programme featuring Chinese orchestra. Unlike in other OCEANS, the SPC award ceremony was also held during the Gala Dinner and this ensured the students got the attention they needed at such ceremonies.

Dr. Victor Dyomin, the First Vice-Rector, National Research Tomsk State University, sent us the following compliment:

“Dear Venu, it was my pleasure to participate in the OCEANS-2024 and to see you again. Everything was excellent! I know it was a hard job so now you have time to relax.”


The Guest of Honour, Minister Desmond Lee, opened the exhibition with a ribbon cutting ceremony. He took a tour of the various exhibits and held brief discussions with some of the exhibitors. There were 45 companies showcasing their products during the conference. Both Japan and Canada had setup their respective country pavilions. EvoLogics Pte Ltd was our silver sponsor while Kongsberg Discovery Pte Ltd was the bronze sponsor. Dr. Martin Gutowski, Vice-President of Sales and Marketing of Kongsberg Discovery, has this to say,

“Hi Venu, thanks to you and your team for putting up such a good event. It was very well organised and gave us the opportunity to catch-up with stakeholders in the community. I got a lot of positive feedback. I believe you resented Singapore and the local industry and maritime community well.”

Panel on ‘Shifting Mindsets, Overcoming Barriers’

Ancillary events

Like in any other OCEANS, OCEANS 2024 Singapore also hosted many ancillary events. These events showcased the conference commitment to engage different communities that are central to both societies. The events facilitate networking and panel discussions, opportunities on themes and topics of interest to different groups representing students, Young Professionals and Women in Engineering. Details of some of these events are covered in separate reports elsewhere in this newsletter by the persons in charge of organizing the event.

The Student Mixer was jointly organized by IEEE OES and MTS. Over 50 students attended the event. Food and non-alcoholic beverages were served.  This event was held immediately after the Welcome Reception and also at the venue hotel. The Women in Engineering (WIE) Breakfast Panel was organized by the IEEE OES on 16 April and the Young Professional (YP) panel was held over lunch jointly by the two Societies.  IEEE OES also organized ‘Member’s Meet,’ a very interactive fun-filled networking event for its members. Participants opined that this was one of the best networking events they have attended.

Panellists from panel on ‘The integration of Marine Science and Oceanic Engineering Communities in South-East Asia’

Technical Tours

Technical tours were organized as part of the conference to visit three local scientific establishments of interest.

  1. Technology Centre for Offshore and Marine, Singapore (TCOMS) is a world class next generation Deepwater Ocean Basin research facility, which is equipped with advanced wave and current generation systems to simulate challenging ocean environments that marine platforms and ships operate in. To learn more about the $107m giant pool – Singapore’s first Deep Sea Ocean visit https://www.tcoms.sg
  2. Johns Island National Marine Laboratory (SJINML) is Singapore’s only offshore marine research facility managed by the National University of Singapore (NUS). Strategically located near to the Sister’s Island Marine Park, the first designated Marine Park in Singapore, the facility is built as a National Research Infrastructure. 30min by boat from the mainland, this facility hosts marine research labs, an aquaria and other supporting facilities including a small research vessel. Read more on this facility here: https://sjinml.nus.edu.sg

Visit to the SJINML Research Facility

  1. Singapore New Water Plants (SNWP) produces 12% of Singapore’s current water needs. Integrated with Changi water Reclamation Plant, the Sembcorp NEWater Plant is one of the only large-scale water recycling plants in the world to be housed on top of a water reclamation plant. You can find details of this facility

here: https://www.siww.com.sg/spotlight-2023/programme/technical-site-visits/changi-water-reclamation-plant-n-sembcorp-newater-plant

On the last day of the conference, IEEE OES Singapore Chapter organized a barbeque networking event sponsored by Subnero Pte Ltd., Singapore. The event took place at the premises of Acoustic Research Laboratory, National University of Singapore. This fun filled evening provided much needed unwinding for the LOC as well.

Overall, the OCEANS 2024 Singapore was a well-attended and well-organised conference. The feedback received from both attendees and exhibitors has so far been very positive. Before I close this report, on behalf of the LOC, I would like to thank all the participants, exhibitors, and patrons for supporting OCEANS 2024 Singapore. Special thanks to our patron, Singapore Tourism Board (STB), who has been with us in this journey since the conference bidding process began. It is now time to look forward to our next big event OCEANS 2024 Halifax. See you all there.

Bhangra Dance, and Indian cultural dance being performed during reception. Some of the delegates joined the fun
Singapore OES Chapter Networking Event
Delegates at the Exhibitor Reception
The welcome reception was well-attended.
A view of the gala dinner setup at the Orchid Ballroom
Chinese Orchestra in progress during Gala
Guest of Honor Minister Desmond Lee cutting the ribbon and opening the exhibition for delegates and visitors

Minister interacting with the exhibitors
Visit to the SJINML Research Facility
Welcome Reception at the venue foyer
SPC certificate distribution and award ceremony were held during the gala. SPC participants with judges