Harumi Sugimatsu and Robert Wernli
Welcome to the June 2020 issue of the Beacon. As you can see in the photos, your Beacon editors are following proper COVID-19 safety procedures. For your own safety, please follow appropriate safe distance guidelines and do not read this issue of the Beacon within 6 feet of anyone. (Just kidding). Also, as you’ll see in our photo salute, we’ve tried to keep a smile in these troubled times by changing from our usual “Blast from the Past” to a “Toast to the Future.” There are good times ahead for all of us. Keep smiling.
In all seriousness, this pandemic has caused considerable problems for our society and its members. As indicated throughout this issue many workshops and symposia have been cancelled or postponed along with the OCEANS 2020 Singapore and OCEANS 2020 Gulf Coast conferences. On the positive side, there appears to be many opportunities for some of our events to be held in a “virtual” atmosphere. Please refer to our website to find the latest on our society events.
An important note is that our AdCom elections are here for the 2021-2023 team. Voting deadline is 1 July. You should have received the list of candidates and election materials via email, however, we are also including all information on the 12 candidates in this issue. A good note is that there were 21 nominees for the 12 election candidate positions. And a great aspect of these applicants are their wide international range and many are some of our younger professional members. Be sure to read their vision of the future in their candidate statements.
The Journal EIC again provides recently released papers that are available to our members and our VP for Technical Activities provides the latest on our technical committee activities. We also have a call for Distinguished Lecturers (DLs). Our VP for Workshops and Symposia provides an update to upcoming events, most of which have been postponed or cancelled. An excellent overview of the latest Oceans Best Practices Workshop is also included.
There is plenty going on in our chapters as reported in the articles from the Victoria, Malaysia and Japan chapters and also from Japan’s award winning “Team Clairvoyance.”
We also take pride in our members. Be sure to see the latest articles including “Who’s Who in the OES,” latest from some of our Young Professionals, and a report from our Student Activities chair. We also have the latest report from First Flight High School’s phytoplankton program that OES supports financially.
There is a wealth of other information and articles in this issue that we hope you enjoy. And, as always, we’ll close by inviting you to participate in your society. Submit articles and material for the Beacon. Or . . . volunteer for other society activities as a participant or an elected officer. It’s your society and it is here to help you reach your professional goals. Enjoy.