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Victoria Chapter – Tracking Marine Solar Panel: University of Victoria Student Capstone Project
Reported by Connor Clark and team members.

This past spring, five University of Victoria engineering students took on the challenge of designing and producing prototypes for a sun-tracking, sailboat-mounted solar panel platform. Sam DeCosse (OES student member), Connor Clark, Nick Girvan, Jason Zhao, and Owen Yuan were able to produce two prototypes with the help of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Victoria Chapter, then design and analyze a third in just three months.
The prototypes were showcased at Victoria’s Tectoria conference, presented alongside the client’s other sustainable marine projects. Eduard Wisernig, of WiserTech Marine Solutions, is using the students’ prototypes to help guide the final design iterations of the Seal project before taking it to market.
The first prototype was a small proof-of-concept used to test software and help identify potential design issues. This version was completed in under two weeks, features a small 40W solar panel with two servo motors for actuation, and was built out of laser cut plywood.
The second prototype is nearly full-scale, is built of aluminum and PVC and is capable of supporting a 70W solar panel. It employs a linear actuator to control altitude and a stepper motor to orient azimuthally. It was used as a base model for the phase three design, which is composed of durable marine-grade materials, such as 316 stainless steel, and includes a number of design improvements.
Stress analysis was completed using wind loading from Siemens NX computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software. This was in addition to approximations from empirical studies on wind tunnel experiments on solar panels and rougher engineering approximations, which were used to validate the CFD results. A number of critical wind loading cases were considered, for example the loading from a 40 knot tailwind acting on the rear of the panel (see the velocity streamlines below). Depending on the orientation of the panel to the wind, the Bernoulli effect can become significant, in this case pulling up on the back of the panel.
The team would like to thank IEEE OES Victoria Chapter for their generous contribution as well as Eduard Wisernig for his leadership and guidance. For further information about the project, check out his website:
Malaysia Chapter

Visit to Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)
Reported by Khalid Isa & Zool H. Ismail
On Feb 21st, 2020, IEEE OES Malaysia Chapter organized a visit to Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP). The activities included a meeting session with YBhg. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Rizal Arshad, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International) of UniMAP cum the Past Chair of IEEE OES Malaysia, a discussion regarding organizing the 12th National Technical Seminar on Unmanned System Technology 2020 (NUSYS’20) in UniMAP, and preparation for the IEEE OES Malaysia Chapter Distinguished Lecture Program (DLP) in UniMAP. There are many activities in 2020 that have been discussed with the UniMAP Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic and International), such as a road trip to Krabi and DLP program at the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM).

IEEE OES Malaysia Chapter Memebership Drive
Reported by Khalid Isa
Ts. Dr. Khalid Isa, Chair of IEEE OES Malaysia, has conducted a membership drive at UniMAP on Feb 21st, 2020. This event provides a platform for the UniMAP academician to understand and join the IEEE OES Malaysia Chapter. The IEEE membership provides the resources and opportunities to keep on top of changes in technology, get involved in standards development, network with other professionals in a specific area of interest, mentor the next generation of engineers and technologists, and so much more. The attendee has been informed about IEEE and OES in general, IEEE OES Malaysia Chapter including the benefits and fees.
Membership drive presentation by Ts. Dr. Khalid Isa

Distinguished Lecture Program (DLP)
Reported by Khalid Isa & Mohd Rizal Arshad
On Feb 21st, 2020, IEEE OES Malaysia Chapter has organized a Distinguished Lecture Program (DLP) at the Pauh Putra Main Campus, UniMAP. The DLP topic entitled ASV and AUV Robotics Platform Technology: Advancement and Potentials, has been presented by Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohd Rizal Arshad. This DLP was attended by UniMAP academician and has been held for two hours, starting from 3.00 pm until 5.00 pm.
Japan Chapter -The third Underwater Forum・ZERO held as a WEB meeting
Reported by Harumi Sugimatsu, OES-J Vice Chair
The third Underwater Domestic Forum・ZERO was held as a WEB meeting on 24th April 2020, in Tokyo under a state of emergency due to the spread of coronavirus infection. It was the first attempt for us to hold the forum as a WEB meeting, however we decided to keep holding the forum periodically to share the information and networking with people even in this critical situation. All speakers and participants, over 250, attended it remotely that day. For the participants who are not familiar with the WEB meeting system, we also distributed YouTube video simultaneously.
As a result, the Forum was successful, i.e., technically worked well, the number of attendees who live in a distance places was increasing (usually they could not attend), more active Q&A than usual forums, etc. Many attendees requested us to keep the WEB meeting style along with a face to face meeting style in the future.

The season is changing from cherry blossoms to fresh green leaves.

A key point is that the Forum was a domestic one, therefore only a few people living in a time difference area were attending. We are now in the turning point of the technology. VR technology will take us to a more-higher place where what we do, and what we should do, will be considered. The third Underwater Forum・ZERO was a good opportunity for us to consider the conference style in near future.