Shyam Madhusudhana, VP for Technical Activities
As we prepare to wind down 2024, I am glad to state that my first term as the VP for Technical Activities (VPTA) saw several successes—
- Over 36 reported technical events by OES Chapters, and 10 technical events organized by Joint Chapters (with other societies).
- Technology Committees (TCs) exhibited healthy levels of activity. You will have seen regular reports from the Chairs in prior issues of Beacon.
- Increased frequency of Distinguished Lecturer (DL) talks. My aim for 2024 was to get to 10, but we have 15 talks delivered this year already.
- OES Summer School, piloted at Singapore OCEANS, was a roaring success. We look forward to a repeat in 2025, at Brest OCEANS.
I am excited to announce that I have been re-elected for a second term (2025–26). Out of their respective three-year terms, Atmanand (TC Coordinator) will complete two years at the end of this year while Maurizio (Chapters Coordinator) will complete one year. I look forward to continuing working with them in 2025 and beyond.
Our list of Chapters was extended in 2024, thanks to the efforts of Haiyong Zheng (who is also the Chair of the Subsea Optics and Vision TC). We now have an OES Chapter in Shandong, under the Beijing Section.
The call for DL nominations, for the term 2025–27, had ended on 31 July. The nominations (6 received) were carefully evaluated by the Distinguished Lecturer Committee comprising myself, Venugopalan Pallayil, and Malcolm Heron. While I thank Venu and Mal for their service, I am pleased to announce the addition of the following esteemed scientists to our DL roster:
- Ralph Rayner
Sonardyne International Limited
- Tomonari Akamatsu
Waseda University, Japan
- Weimin Huang
Memorial University, Canada
- Ye Li
Southern University of Science and Technology, China
Congratulations to the new appointees, and I look forward to facilitating their contributions to the Society’s membership in the years ahead.
As we look forward to 2025, I am thrilled to be giving you what I consider to be the most exciting news. Following numerous extended discussions and deliberations, efforts to overhaul our TCs have concluded, and the recommendations have been vetted by the Administrative Committee. Our new slate of TCs (see below) will come into effect in 2025. Besides the apparent shake-up, we will also be doing away with the prevailing way (using verbose statements) of describing TCs. Instead, TCs will now be described using pertinent keywords. This change was aimed to simplify descriptions and bring about consistency. In addition to the below TCs, we will now also have a ‘special’ TC, named Emerging Technologies & Other Oceanic Engineering Topics, which is to be seen as a home for topics not covered by any of the other TCs. It serves as a staging mechanism until a certain topic or collection of closely-related topics achieves critical mass and sustained attention warranting creation of a dedicated TC. A ‘call for nominations’ was recently announced seeking candidates to serve as executives (Chairs & co-Chairs) of the new TCs. By the time this article is published, the call would have already ended. However, if you wish to contribute to any TC(s), please do not hesitate to get in touch with me or Atmanand.
Cheerio, 2024! Looking forward to another successful year and another fulfilling term as VPTA.
New slate of OES Technology Committees (and keywords) |
Autonomous Maritime Systems
Marine & maritime systems; Unmanned vehicles; Automatic control; Navigation; Multi-asset operations |
Data Analytics and AI
Numerical modelling & simulation; Pattern recognition; Algorithm development; Visualization; Data fusion; Information generation |
Renewables (offshore wind, wave, tidal); Energy Storage & Transfer/Transport; Battery Technology; Electrification; Environmental considerations/implications |
Living Resources
Biological Oceanography; Biodiversity Monitoring (photogrammetry, active and passive acoustics); Fauna distribution & abundance estimation; Ocean/ecosystem Health; Reef Assessments & Restoration; Fisheries; Aquaculture |
Moorings and Structures
Ocean structures; Floating structures; Moorings, riggings, & anchors; Buoy technology; Observatories; Seafloor engineering; Materials Science; Pipelines; Deepwater development technology; Extreme weather infrastructure; Distributed biological observatories; Coastal and offshore construction; Coastal engineering |
Optics and Imaging
Classical Optics, Quantum Optics, Photonic Devices, Imaging, Computer Vision, Optical Sensing; E-M sensing; Optics technology instrumentation; sonar imaging |
Oceanography and Meteorology
Physical Oceanography; Geological Oceanography; Chemical Oceanography; Metocean; Climate Science; Marine geophysics; Hydrodynamics; Hydrography; Ocean exploration; Coastal zone management; Polar observations & monitoring |
Remote Sensing
Satellite telemetry; Coastal radars HF Ocean Radar; Geophysical monitoring; Drones; SAR; Synthetic aperture sonar; Resource assessment |
Metrology and Instrumentation
Sensor Development; Instrument Validation; Calibration; Sensor Survivability; Sensor fusion/synergy; Observation systems; Measurement technology (for currents, salinity, pH, etc.); Cables and Connectors |
Underwater Acoustics
Acoustical oceanography; Environmental acoustics & Ocean noise; Bioacoustics; Seismo-acoustics; Sonar signal processing; Sonar imaging; Array processing; Array design; Acoustical telemetry |
Underwater Communication and Positioning
Underwater acoustic & EM communication (physical layer), at-sea communication networks, underwater positioning, underwater channel modelling; Link-layer and network-layer techniques |