December 2024

VP OCEANS Report (December 2024)

Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for OCEANS (VPO)

Dear Colleagues,

2024 is coming to an end and so is my first term as VP OCEANS. My conviction is that I have put in the best of my efforts to support OCEANS organization the past two years. My contributions to OCEANS, and in general to OES, was not limited by my role as VP OCEANS. I have taken every opportunity to showcase OES and its contributions at OCEANS through the organization of special sessions and panel discussions, both as a participant and a moderator. Some of these panels were jointly organized with the Marine Technology Society, our current partner society. It was not easy to handle the dual role of General Co-Chair for OCEANS 2024 Singapore while also fulfilling my duty as VP OCEANS. Both Limerick and Singapore OCEANS have tested my patience and leadership, and I am happy that I was able to pull it off with support from our colleagues both at IEEE, OES and MTS.

Past two years have been both a great learning and rewarding experience and the desire to perform better was the primary drive for me to contest for a second term. I would like to thank the OES AdCom members for your whole-hearted support in the past two years and also re-electing me to serve as VP OCEANS for two more years. I look forward to working with you all more closely. I believe being brought up in different environments and having developed into different personalities, conflicts are on the card and resolving them through negotiations is the key. I would be a good listener, and always happy to resolve issues the best way I can. As a community we can grow only if we could create the right environment and each of us are responsible for the same.  Remember, as an IEEE member we also have a responsibility to act with utmost decorum. Sorry, too much of ranting there.

We have a lot of challenges ahead as well as opportunities to explore new collaborations on OCEANS front. We have already established a partnership through an MOU with IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRSS) and will explore opportunities to engage in each other’s events. I believe this is a right step forward.


There were questions raised regarding the continuation of future OCEANS in the wake of MTS, our current Co-Sponsor, withdrawing from the partnership in 2026. As a non-profit scientific society, OES has a primary focus to serve its members and the scientific community at large. OCEANS has been an IEEE OES flagship conference, and as VP OCEANS I would like to ensure that it will continue to be organized as we cannot let our community down.

The first OCEANS Central Coordination Committee met and discussed the way forward. We are currently in discussion about hosting the OCEANS 2026 NA conference with a few possible locations and with Washington DC as our first preference. We should have a better picture emerging in the next couple of months. If you’re interested in hosting a future OCEANS conference, please contact me.  Following is the list of planned OCEANS Conferences:

OCEANS 2026 Sanya, Hainan, China

OCEANS 2026 North America (location yet to be decided, Washington DC is still under consideration)

OCEANS 2027 Aberdeen

OCEANS 2027 NA (location to be decided)

OCEANS 2028 RoW (Australia is being considered as a potential location)

OCEANS 2028 NA (potential location – San Deigo)

I attended the OES conference portfolio review committee (CPRC) meeting online along with the OES President and VP for Workshop and Symposia on 11 October 2024. The CPRC review usually is being held prior to the 5-year society review, which has been scheduled for November 2024 (for the period 2019-23). Overall, the Committee was appreciative of the work done by the society. The Committee, however, noted that there are two major areas that require our attention. One is on the quality of conference papers and their timely publication. Participation of more OES volunteers in the technical programme committee is important wherever OES is a co-sponsor or technical co-sponsor. The time it takes currently to upload the papers to IEEE Xplore is twice as much time as the other societies are taking. Delays in conference account closing is another area of concerns raised. Some conferences take more than 6 months and at times even a year to close their accounts. In order to expedite both activities the Local Organising Committees (LOC) are required to work closely with the Professional Conference Organisers (PCO). The CPRC also recommends keeping a database of active volunteers and recruiting new members under a ‘mentor-mentee programme’ and allow them to work up the ladder through active engagement. This can help alleviate issues with the volunteer shortage to some extent. The committee appreciated the YP and WiE activities at OES and encouraged to continue with them.

I shall share more on the conference organization related matters that were discussed during the IEEE Regional Conferences Coordinators (RCCs) and IEEE S/C VP-Conferences Collaboration Meeting (online) in my next report due to lack of time and space constraints.

Before closing, here is a summary of attendance and papers presented at the Halifax OCEANS.

Total Attendees 1639
Full Registration 968
One Day Registration 256
Exhibit Passes Only 349
Countries Represented 35
Number of Papers Sent for Publication on IEEE Xplore 366
Regular Papers 320
Student Poster Competition papers 20
General Posters 26


The papers are expected to be on IEEE Xplore by second week of Dec 2024.

Preparations for OCEANS 2025 Brest are going well. The call for abstracts is out and the LOC has started to seek interest from exhibitors. The plan for Summer School is progressing well. A new event the University R&D showcasing is also taking shape (more details on this in the next report).

I wanted to keep this report short, but as I started to write things down it went beyond my estimate. Thanks for taking time to read this.