Harumi Sugimatsu and Robert Wernli

Welcome to the December issue of the Beacon. Following a summer where events and meetings worked around vacations, etc., this issue picks up with a lot more activity. This is highlighted by the OCEANS 2024 Halifax conference, along with side meetings and competitions, which are reported herein.
The reports from our Executive Committee highlight the activities of the society and what we can expect next year. The VP for Workshops and Symposia describes the many events held late this year that are keeping the society active around the world. There were so many workshops, symposia and other events held recently and documented in this issue that we refer you to the Table of Contents for the list.
Our primary events are the OCEANS conferences, which will be impacted in 2026 when the MTS is withdrawing as a conference sponsor. OCEANS conferences are scheduled for Brest and the Great Lakes next year. Bids are being accepted by OES for the 2027 OCEANS conferences and beyond.
The VP for Technical Activities reports on the status and future of the OES Technical Committees. The reorganized list of Technical Committees to go into effect next year is also provided. The article also includes the 4 new Distinguished Lecturers for the 2025-2027 term. We’ll have the call for the next set of DLs in the March 2025 issue. And, our AdCom nominations are now open. Submit nominations by 1 March 2025.
Our student branch chapters (SBC) have been active and this issue includes reports from the Delhi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Federal Flaminense University, University of Zagreb SBCs, and Malaysia and Japan Chapters.

Various reports are included regarding the OCEANS 2024 Halifax conference to include the Student Poster Competition, a Young Professional (YP) luncheon and talks addressing our support to the UN Ocean Decade.
Upcoming workshops and symposia are listed in the Conference Calendar and the Journal EIC again provides a list of recently released papers that are available to our members.
Our Distinguished Technical Achievement Award and Distinguished Service Award winners are reported in this issue.
Have you done something exciting lately? Received an award or professional recognition? Be sure to contact your editors about submitting an article. And don’t miss the Who’s Who in OES article on one of our outstanding members in each issue.
There is a wealth of other information and articles in this issue that we hope you enjoy. And, as always, we’ll close by inviting you to participate in your society. Submit articles and material for the Beacon. Or . . . volunteer for other society activities as a participant or an elected officer. It’s your society and it is here to help you reach your professional goals. Enjoy.