December 2024

From the Vice President for Workshops & Symposia (December 2024)

 Gerardo “Gerry” Acosta, VP for W&S

Good to get in touch with you from these lines, to keep you updated about our OES huge activity in workshops and symposia spread all over the world. In these days that we are closing the calendar year, and we are making balances of goals and aspirations for this 2024, it is very gratifying to see that our Society once more succeeded on being the home for people willing to share experiences, knowledge, and networking around the oceans, from a technological and scientific stand-point. We will see part of the great deal of activity in workshops and symposia carried out reported in this issue of our Beacon, as well as the interesting upcoming events.

During September we had five exciting events. The Ucomms Conference 2024 held during the first week of the month in Sestri Levante, Italy, co-organized with the RSMC. At Boston, MA, USA, the prestigious 2024 OES AUV Symposium took place.  Their detailed reports of it will be given in our next Beacon.

Also in Port Louis, Mauritius, from 18 to 20 September, OES was sponsoring the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Futures 2024.  The detailed report by Shyam, OES VPTA, is in this Beacon.

In Italy, but this time in Bolzano, OES was collaborating in Automatica 2024 congress. It was a very successful event, with 126 abstract submissions, 167 registered attendees, 49 program committee members, and 18 technical sessions. Congratulations to the local organizing committee (LOC) and our link person, Prof. Karl von Ellenrieder. See more details in this Beacon.

Closing September, the 2024 Breaking the Surface edition was held in Biograd na Moru, Croatia, supported by our OES, among other sponsors, and carried out by the Student Branch Chapter of the University of Zagreb. As you may see in the very good report in this issue of the Beacon, this edition was a great success, with impressive numbers: 206 attendees from 23 countries, 14 lectures, 11 tutorials, and 10 demos. Congratulations to the LOC and our link person, Prof. Nikola Mišković.

In October, the 2024 OES MIW – Marine Imaging Workshop was held in Monterey, CA, USA, with the support of the local Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute – MBARI. Please refer to the article reporting this event in the upcoming pages. Subsequently, the USYS – IEEE 10th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications was held in Xi’an, China, with the support of the local Northwestern Polytechnical University. In Portoroz, Slovenia, also with OES sponsorship, the Metro Sea 2024 – IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea took place.

At the IEEE IROS 2024, in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, on October the 18th OES supported a Forum on Marine Robotics in Ocean Decade Initiative for Sustainable Development. It was a successful event, as reported by our liaison there, Prof. Giulia De Masi.

For these three previous events you can also find their very interesting reports in this issue.

Our Society was also present at the 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Technologies for Defense and Security, in Naples, Italy, during November. As well as in the 25th Biennial Conference on Biology of Marine Mammals in Perth, Australia, during November 11th to 15th. Another exciting meeting that we recently supported was the International Workshop on Optimizing Engineering Design with AI: A Focus on Ocean Energy Systems (OEDAI-2024), with a theme of Sustainability and Marine Structures, from 17 to 20 November, 2024, hosted at the IIT Madras, India.

In addition, during the last week of November (shortly after these paragraphs are being written), we also secured our presence as OES at the IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE IHTC). Thanks to the energy of our local Italian chapter, motivated by Prof. Maurizio Migliaccio, puts into all activities linked to the ocean.

If you wish to get involved in these workshops, or propose new ones, please contact me at In addition, keep in mind that our OES offers the possibility of both technical and financial sponsorship and co-sponsorship, as well as patronage with grants for students and young professionals. In order to consider the latter in the budget, it is necessary to submit requests for support during the first half of the calendar year. Specifically, until the last days of May for the W&S that want to be held during the following year. On our website, there is a detailed guide for these presentations ( and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a safe and pleasant navigation and always tell me how I can help you!