June 2024 OES Beacon

Chapter News (June 2024)

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Malaysia Chapter 


Reported by Assoc. Prof. Ir Dr Zool Hilmi Ismail, Chapter Chair

Figure 1: Promotional poster for an engaging session led by Prof. Dr. Suleman Mazhar from the Acoustic Science and Technology Laboratory, focusing on advanced DL architecture for underwater communication.

On March 13th, 2024, Dr. Suleman Mazhar, a visiting professor from the Acoustic Science and Technology Laboratory, Harbin Engineering University, China, delivered an IEEE-OES Distinguished Lecturer Talk on Deep Learning Architectures for Underwater Communication at the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Mazhar, renowned for his contributions to Information & Communication Engineering, brought a deep reservoir of knowledge in Machine Learning, Signal Processing, and Underwater/Environmental Acoustics. His research is primarily focused on the application of deep learning and signal processing in environmental monitoring, medical imaging, and transportation systems.

The event was a significant highlight within the IEEE OES distinguished lecture series, designed to promote the exchange of knowledge and foster collaboration between the realms of academia and industry in the burgeoning field of deep learning and underwater communication technologies.

Figure 2: Researchers attentively listening to Prof. Dr. Suleman Mazhar.

During his presentation, Dr. Mazhar offered a comprehensive overview of the myriad challenges inherent in underwater acoustic (UWA) communication, including the unpredictable and dynamic nature of acoustic channels, influenced by Doppler spread, low signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), and the overarching complexity of channel characteristics, further compounded by a scarcity of real-world data. He meticulously detailed how recent deep learning-based models have been adeptly employed to surmount these challenges, focusing on end-to-end deep learning models for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) communication and deep learning-based channel estimation problems, showcasing recent advancements made by his laboratory at Harbin Engineering University.

The session was not only technical in nature but also highlighted the myriad opportunities in marine conservation and bioacoustics for students and young researchers. Dr. Mazhar, serving in various capacities such as the chair of the OES-SOI Berth of Opportunity committee, mentor for the IEEE-SPS ME-UYR Program, and chair of the Student Activities Committee (IEEE-OES), emphasized the importance of leveraging technological innovations in environmental stewardship and conservation efforts.

The engaging Q&A session that followed his presentation saw a lively exchange of ideas and inquiries from faculty members, postgraduate students, researchers, and AI practitioners. This session not only solidified Dr. Mazhar’s status as a luminary in the field but also paved the way for future collaborative endeavors between Harbin Engineering University and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, underscoring the critical importance of interdisciplinary research in addressing the complex challenges faced by our oceans and highlighting the promising future of deep learning in advancing our capabilities in underwater communication.

Japan Chapter 

The 11th Underwater Technology ForumZERO


Reported by Harumi Sugimatsu

Welcoming address by Prof. Toshihiro Maki, Forum Co-Chair

The 11th  Underwater Technology Forum・ZERO was held from 13:00-17:00 on 26 April, 2024, on the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo in Meguro Research Campus (https://seasat.iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp/UTforum/).  This time, we had 108 in-person attendees and 192 online attendees.  Among the speakers, two Japanese youth who are working in France and England were online, and one speaker who was joining the field-work in Pakistan (no internet access) sent us the video presentation in advance.

From this forum, Prof. Asuka Yamaguchi of University of Tokyo has been the Forum Co-Chair along with Prof. Toshihiro Maki, instead of Prof. Yutaka Michida who has been elected as Chair of IOC.

Topics of the forum are as below:

  • Discovery, exploration and the possibility of life in the “outer” earth oceans
  • Challenges on the AUV ”Shinryu6000” in rare-earth elements exploration
  • Overview of port facilities damage survey for the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
  • Wide area monitoring by satellite SAR
  • Commercialization strategies and model-Based decision making for ocean utilization systems
  • Fascination of underwater archaeology
  • Albatrosses flying in rough seas and stormy winds – Effects of local environmental conditions on seabirds
  • Challenges at “Vaarset”, a British Underwater Robotics Venture – New developments in AUV technology and underwater 3D imaging

Since the topics covered were wide-ranging and exciting, the audience hardly had time to breathe during the forum.

I hope that we have also an enjoyable time for the next Forum, which will be held on the 11th of October, 2024, at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo in Kashiwa Campus.  Please join us!

Closing remark by Prof. Asuka Yamaguchi, Forum new Co-Chair
From the talk “Discovery, exploration and the possibility of life in the “outer” earth oceans”
From the talk “Albatrosses flying in rough seas and stormy winds – Effects of local environmental conditions on seabirds”