June 2024 OES Beacon

From the Journal Editor’s desk (June 2024)

Karl von Ellenrieder, Journal Editor-in-Chief

Just having returned from attending a fantastically well-organized and scientifically interesting OCEANS 2024 Singapore, I would like to thank all the authors and Associate Editors who met with me during the conference. I would also like to remind the authors of OCEANS conference papers that they are welcome to develop their short conference papers into significantly longer manuscripts and to submit them for consideration for publication in the Journal. For information about how to do this, I encourage interested OCEANS Conference authors to refer to the editorial by EiC Emeritus N. Ross Chapman, which can be found online at the following link – http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/JOE.2014.2313375.

The Journal has received a high volume of manuscript submissions over the last several months, which is a great sign, but which also means that the workload of individual Associate Editors (AEs) has been high. To help manage the workload, several new AEs have been recruited to the Journal’s Editorial Board. The appointments bring expertise in new areas of Oceanic Engineering importance, such as the application of machine learning, AI and reinforcement learning to traditional JOE research topics, including acoustic and optical underwater image processing, marine vehicle control and navigation, and ocean renewable energy. I would like to welcome the following new AEs to the Journal:

  1. Riccardo Costanzi, University of Pisa, Italy – Marine Robotics, Autonomous Vehicles, Navigation, Cooperation, Perception, Underwater Computational Vision.
  2. Hua Li, Hainan University, China – Underwater Image/Video Processing, Underwater Computer Vision, Machine Learning.
  3. Traci Neilsen, Brigham Young University, USA – Underwater Acoustics, Source Localization and Characterization, Geoacoustic Inversion, Seabed Parameterization, Deep Learning Applied to Ocean Acoustics.
  4. Peng Ren, China University of Petroleum, China – Underwater Imaging, Ocean Remote Sensing, Marine Environmental Forecasting and Prediction.
  5. Alessandro Ridolfi, University of Florence, Italy – Marine Robotics, Underwater Vehicles, AUV Design, Autonomous Underwater Navigation, Automatic Target Recognition.
  6. Yan Song, Shandong University, China – Sidescan Sonar, Machine Learning, Sonar Imaging, Planning and Decision-Making, Underwater Vehicles.
  7. Yufei Tang, Florida Atlantic University, USA – Machine Learning, Data Mining, Dynamic Systems, and Ocean Renewable Energy.
  8. Yu Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China – Underwater Robots and Underwater Unmanned Systems.
  9. Yifan Zhou, Stony Brook University, USA – Modeling, Dynamic Analysis, and Control of Ocean Renewable Energy (ORE) Systems; the Electronic-Interfaced Integration of ORE into Power Grids; and the Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Marine Energy Systems.

Finally, congratulations to the authors of our most recently approved papers. The following papers were published as Early Access papers on IEEE Xplore and will appear in a regular quarterly issue of the Journal soon. You’ll find these papers online now:

  • Yan-Tsung Peng, Yu-Cheng Lin, Wen-Yi Peng, Chen-Yu Liu. Blurriness-Guided Underwater Salient Object Detection and Data Augmentation.


  • Cheng Chi, Shiping Chen, Rongxing Zhong, Pengfei Zhang, Peng Wang, Yu Li, Jiyuan Liu, Haining Huang. Robust Chinese Remainder Theorem–Based Synthetic Aperture Sonar Motion Estimation.


  • Wojciech Maleika. Local Polynomial Interpolation Method Optimization in the Process of Digital Terrain Model Creation Based on Data Collected From a Multibeam Echosounder.


  • Giovanna Inserra, Andrea Buono, Ferdinando Nunziata, Maurizio Migliaccio, Flavio Parmiggiani, Giuseppe Aulicino. Characterization of the Terra Nova Bay Polynya Using Dual-Polarimetric C-Band SAR Measurements.


  • Mohammed Elamassie. Path Selection in Parallel Multihop UVLC Systems Over Turbulence Channels.


  • Jianqun Zhou, Yang Li, Hongmao Qin, Pengwen Dai, Zilong Zhao, Manjiang Hu. Sonar Image Generation by MFA-CycleGAN for Boosting Underwater Object Detection of AUVs.


  • Brian T. Hefner, Dajun Tang, William S. Hodgkiss. The Impact of the Spatial Variability of the Seafloor on Midfrequency Sound Propagation During the Target and Reverberation Experiment 2013.


  • Alfie Anthony Treloar, Hugh Maclean, Jan Bujalka, Jon Narramore, Ben Thomas, Philippe Blondel, Alan Hunter. Real-Time In-Situ Passive Acoustic Array Beamforming From the AutoNaut Wave-Propelled Uncrewed Surface Vessel.


  • Yushan Sun, Haotian Zheng, Guocheng Zhang, Jingfei Ren, Guoyang Shu. CGF-Unet: Semantic Segmentation of Sidescan Sonar Based on Unet Combined With Global Features.


  • Fan Wu, Haiyang Yao, Haiyan Wang. Recognizing the State of Motion by Ship-Radiated Noise Using Time-Frequency Swin-Transformer.


  • Hai Long Su, Peng Lang Shui. Fast Estimation of Complex High-Resolution Range Profiles of Ships via Amplitude–Position Bi-Iterative Sparse Recovery Algorithm.


  • Benjamin Thomas, Ciaran Sanford, Alan Hunter. Occlusion Modeling for Coherent Echo Data Simulation: A Comparison Between Ray-Tracing and Convex-Hull Occlusion Methods.


  • Francois-Xavier Socheleau, Christophe Laot, Sebastien Houcke. Cyclostationary Feature Distortion for Secure Underwater Acoustic Transmissions.


  • Shuqin He, Liyun Bai, Hao Zhou, Yingwei Tian, Da Huang, Caijun Wang, Jing Yang. Analysis and Suppression of Range-Domain Periodic Interference in High-Frequency FMICW Radar.


  • Zhongguang Li, Shuang Liang, Mingming Guo, Hua Zhang, Heng Wang, Zebin Li, Haoyang Li. ADRC-Based Underwater Navigation Control and Parameter Tuning of an Amphibious Multirotor Vehicle.


  • Paduano, F. Carapellese, E. Pasta, M. Bonfanti, S. Sirigu, D. Basile, D. Pizzirusso, N. Faedo, G. Mattiazzo. Experimental and Numerical Investigation on the Performance of a Moored Pitching Wave Energy Conversion System.


  • Zachary L. Cooper Baldock, Paulo E. Santos, Russell S.A. Brinkworth, Karl Sammut. Hydrodynamic Analysis of Payload Bay Berthing for Underwater Vehicles.


  • Jessica E. Carilli, Regina A. Guazzo, Angelica R. Rodriguez. Applying an Uncrewed Surface Vessel to Measure Under-Pier Bathymetry.


  • Isaac Skog, Magnus Lundberg Nordenvaad, Gustaf Hendeby. Signals-of-Opportunity-Based Hydrophone Array Shape and Orientation Estimation.


  • Jichen Chu, Lei Cheng, Wen Xu. Spatial Power Spectrum Estimation Under Strong Interferences Using Beam-Space Fast Nonnegative Sparse Bayesian Learning.
