June 2024 OES Beacon

VP OCEANS Report (June 2024)

Venugopalan Pallayil, Vice President for OCEANS (VPO)

Dear OES Colleagues,

After a gap of 18 years, with no bird flu or Covid-19 pandemic to impact us this time, Singapore hosted its second in-person OCEANS conference successfully during 15 to 18 April 2024. This was the 74th instance of OCEANS conferences. The conference was held at the Sands Expo Convention Centre, Marina Bay Sands, one of the top conference centers in Singapore. One unique feature of OCEANS 2024 Singapore was that all the conference events were held at the same venue and spread around the same floor so that the delegates could move between technical sessions, poster sessions, plenaries, panel discussions and the exhibition freely and easily. We estimate a total footfall of 900 attendees with over 300 trade visitors to the exhibition. The report on the final conference statistics is still under preparation. On behalf of the Local Organising Committee (LOC), and also as IEEE OES VP for OCEANS Conferences, my sincere thanks to all the attendees who made the conference a big success.

We also held two satellite events prior to OCEANS, primarily to engage students. These are the Singapore AUV Challenge (SAUVC), an autonomous underwater competition for tertiary students, and the Summer School. SAUVC has been held since 2013 while the Summer School was being conducted for the first time. Both these events were well attended and have been organized under the auspices of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society. The details of all these events have been covered elsewhere in this edition of Beacon Newsletter. The Marine Technology Society had also organized an event, namely MATE ASEAN Regional ROV competition, prior to the OCEANS 2024 Singapore. It is now time to focus our time and energy towards OCEANS 2024 Halifax, which is scheduled for 23-26 September 2024 at the Halifax Convention Centre. You can find the details of the conference here: https://halifax24.oceansconference.org. If you wish to run special tracks, panels etc., get in touch with the relevant local organizing committee chair and submit your proposals. I would also like to call up on the society leads to plan and propose ancillary events, such as Student Mixer, Young Professional panel, Women in Engineering panel, etc., during OCEANS Halifax. Future OCEANS organisers may also want to take up the opportunity to promote their OCEANS at the Halifax event. We had both OCEANS 2025 Brest and OCEANS 2026 Sanya promoting their conferences at their complimentary booths provided by the conference during OCEANS 2024 Singapore.

We are also looking at improving the quality of papers being presented at OCEANS conferences. VPO held  discussions with a selected group of senior OES members during the OCEANS 2024 Singapore and formulated certain recommendations which will be submitted for the consideration of OCAENS Steering Committee (OSC) for adoption.

On the OSC front, as mentioned in my last report, attempts to recruit a Conference Manager (CM) and a Professional Conference Organiser (PCO) is progressing. We have received many proposals, which are being curated and reviewed. We hope to have this exercise completed over the next few months. In the interim, we are also looking into a proposal from a PCO who has offered to assist on the conference manager role until a permanent solution is in place. They will help with recommendations on future OCEANS conference site selections, expanding the conference reach as well as achieving more revenue through innovative marketing efforts. A decision on this is expected by the end of June, 2024.

After a long delay, the Limerick OCEANS audit is finally being scheduled. An auditor acceptable to the PCO and the conference sponsors has been identified and an engagement letter is being prepared. We hope to complete this exercise by the end of May, 2024. Works to engage an auditor for Gulf Coast OCEANS is also in progress.

Brest and Great Lakes OCEANS preparations are also underway. IEEE OES is looking at organising new events alongside OCEANS to engage our community better. I will be providing more information on this in our next edition of Beacon Newsletter.

Are you being provided with relevant and sufficient information on OCEANS conference related activities? Your Feedback is important and let us keep in touch at vp-oceans@ieeeoes.org.