June 2024 OES Beacon

From the Vice President for Workshops & Symposia (June 2024)

 Gerardo “Gerry” Acosta, VP for W&S

This year started with great energy in terms of workshops and symposia activities at our OES. And the horizon that is warned continues to be one of a lot of activity. This is very good since it shows us a community of members and volunteers eager to share experiences and practical and theoretical knowledge, networking and generating ideas together. This is knowing how to take advantage of the opportunities that IEEE OES offers us. We see part of this activity carried out this year reported in this issue of our Beacon.

Last March, we saw the successful completion of the IEEE/OES Thirteenth Current, Waves and Turbulence Measurement (CWTM) in Wanchese, NC, USA, while in April three relevant events took place for our Society. One without a doubt was the great OCEANS Conference in Singapore. Also there, the traditional underwater autonomous vehicle competition, SAUVC, was held days before, in which students from all over the world enjoy a few days of learning and consolidating knowledge in this exciting technology, in an atmosphere of great camaraderie. And if this were not enough, on 13 and 14 April they also organized the IEEE OES Summer School 2024 themed “Observing our Ocean.” Congratulations to our people in Singapore for their excellent work last month. Meanwhile, on the other side of the planet, precisely in Portland, OR, USA, OES sponsored the SusTech 2024 – 11th Annual IEEE Conference on Tech 4 Sustainability.

In a few days during May, we look forward to the 2024 OES China Ocean Acoustics Conference, in Harbin, China.

During June, the French OES Chapter is organizing the French Top Experts Festival at Toulon, which promises to be a fruitful meeting between professionals, academics, students and experts on topics of great interest to those passionate about the sea.

July promises us the first holding of the Symposium on Maritime Informatics and Robotics, organized by the University of the Aegean, in Syros, Greece, with OES patronage.

September awaits us with three events. The Ucomms Conference 2024 will be held the first week of the month in Sestri Levante, Italy, co-organized with the RSMC. Also in Italy, but this time in Bolzano, OES will be collaborating with the Automatica 2024 congress. And in Boston, MA, USA, the prestigious 2024 OES AUV Symposium will take place, from 18 to 20 September.

October has an even greater offer. The first event will be the traditional 2024 Breaking the Surface, in Biograd na Moru, Croatia, supported by our OES among other sponsors, and carried out by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of the University of Zagreb. The 2024 OES MIW – Marine Imaging Workshop will be held in Monterey, CA, USA, with the support of the local MBARI. Subsequently, the USYS – IEEE 10th International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory and Applications will be held in Xi’an, China, with the support of the local Northwestern Polytechnical University. Finally in Portoroz, Slovenia, Metro Sea 2024 – IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea will take place.

Our Society will also be present at the 2024 IEEE International Workshop on Technologies for Defense and Security, to be held in Naples, Italy in November. As well as in the 25th Biennial Conference on Biology of Marine Mammals in Perth, Australia, also in next November. During the last week of November, we also secured our presence as OES at the IEEE International Humanitarian Technology Conference (IEEE IHTC), thanks to the energy that our local Italian chapter puts into all activities linked to the ocean.

For 2025 we also already have many events planned. A new edition of UNWis – Winter School on Underwater Network Simulations and Experimentation in Padova, Italy. The first edition of OES Breaking the Surface outside Europe, in South America, more precisely in Buenos Aires, during the first week of February. In March, Taipei, Taiwan, awaits us with the 2025 IEEE OES Underwater Technology (UT) symposium and we will wait for the new editions of the 2025 French Top Experts Festival at Toulon, RAMI – Robotics for Asset Maintenance and Inspections – Marine Robots Competition 2025, 2025 Symposium on Maritime Informatics and Robotics, as well as the European version of Breaking the Surface 2025.

If you wish to get involved in these workshops or propose new ones, please contact me at vp-workshops-symposia@ieeeoes.org. In addition, keep in mind that our OES offers the possibility of both technical and financial sponsorship, as well as patronage with grants for students and young professionals. In order to consider the latter in the budget, it is necessary to submit requests for support during the first half of the calendar year. Specifically, until the last days of May for the W&S that want to be held during the following year. On our website, there is a detailed guide for these presentations (https://ieeeoes.org/conferences/workshops-and-symposia/) and if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a safe and pleasant navigation and always tell me how I can help you!