March 2024 OES Beacon

HK ROV 2023 – HK CTOES has another productive ROV year

Paul Hodgson, Hong Kong Chapter Chair and Dany Cho, OES Senior Member

Building an ROV for science –HK Choi Hung School workshop

Another incredible ROV year for us in 2023.  We trained ROV workshop instructors in Japan, Mainland China and Thailand and set the path to do so for Sabah, Malaysia.  A total of 70 basic ROVs were built and several ROV based projects were presented at the Hong Kong IEEE YE-23 Conference.

We ran an ROV BattleBots, with student teams fighting it out underwater in three classes; underwater Sumo, Jousting (Spiders from Mars) and ROV-push.    We also tested the water for a task qualification event rather than a traditional competition.  This will happen in March 2024.  An ROV competition was arranged for Guangzhou, China, and this will be opened to Hong Kong teams when the next event occurs in July 2024.

The HK ROV BattleBot event winners

We now have two new designs for the Basic ROV from the equipment supplier and a junior ROV course in which we are currently involved with the development.  New designs for the mini-ROV were also presented to one school for evaluation.  New geared thrusters, ROV grab and joy-stick PWM control are all now part of the revised advanced course options possible for continuing education.

A key highlight was the American Geophysical Union (AGU) project involving the collection of mineral samples in a water and debris filled mine shaft in Hong Kong.  Two Hong Kong Secondary school students from the ISF school took on the challenge.  The vehicle used was a cut down version of our standard pipe frame ROV.  The collection device turned out to be problematic. Site issues included challenges like a small area of maneuverability as well as scattered samples.  A small area to fit and operate the ROV grab also proved to be a challenge.  Key advice from JAMSTEC in Japan and Mr. Wernli in the US inspired a design that worked.  The students have been asked to refine the design and present it at the YE-24 conference in November 2024.

Our ROV qualification and BattleBot tryout is scheduled for March 2024.  There will be another event in October for qualification and a full on ROV BattleBot.

Finally, the IEEE CT/OES Young Engineer’s Conference (YE-24), planned to be held in November 2024, will be held in Hong Kong.  We hope to see you there.

ROV Sumo during the HK BattleBot event.
ROV Monster Mash during the HK BattleBot event
The Thailand Instructor training workshop – 24 ROVs Built
Preparing for the HK BattleBot event. – QCOBSS workshop
The result of a successful build session – 13 ROV
Mini ROV Build in a Hong Kong School – testing & fun stage
Basic ROV being used for mud sample collection in HK
Collecting mineral samples in Adit 5