March 2024 OES Beacon

From the OES BEACON Editors (March 2024)

Harumi Sugimatsu and Robert Wernli

OES has had a vision to increase the number of student and young professionals (YPs) in the society. Based on the reports in this issue that vision is becoming a reality. Articles highlight the OES YP-BOOST and WIE (Women In Engineering) PROPEL Laureats and their activities. OES also provides funding to get students to the OCEANS conferences via the Student Poster Competition and other events for qualified applicants. In addition, OES now has 18 Student Branch Chapters (SBCs). This issue contains another report from the University of Zagreb SBC, which is raising the bar on chapter activities.

On a larger scale, we have a report on the OES Ambassador Program supporting the UN Decade of Ocean Science.

Harumi with the latest BEACON issue

You will also see in the report from the OES president the latest on his view of the direction of the society. We have the latest from our VP for Professional Activities and our Executive VP provides the latest on our strategic planning in preparation for our 5-year review. We also welcome our new AdCom members, for 2024-2026, who are listed on the inside of the front cover.

The latest on the OCEANS conference planning is provided in the report by our VP for OCEANS. Next issue will report on the OCEANS 2024 Singapore conference scheduled for April and the planning on the OCEANS 2024 Halifax conference upcoming in September. OTC Asia was just held in February and OTC Houston is on the horizon this May. Both will be reported in the next issue.

Upcoming workshops and symposia are listed in the Conference Calendar and reported by our VP for Workshops and Symposia. Reports on SeaAI 23 (Israel), ENAEM 23 (Argentina), SYMPOL 23 (India) and a Winter School on Underwater Network Simulations (Italy) are included in this issue.

Here’s a 2006 OCEANS Singapore toast to the 2024 OCEANS Singapore conference . . . Cheers!

Our technology committees (TCs) continue to be more active as reported by our VP for Technical Activities. The CWTMA TC reports on their Marine Radar Wind and Wave Measurements for Short Term Forecasts webinar. The Journal EIC again provides a list of recently released papers that are available to our members.

Our chapters have been busy as the reports show. This issue contains the latest on the activities of the Japan chapter and their workshop on submarine cables and the Marine Robotics Competition held in Okinawa. Results of a competition held by the Victoria Chapter, the latest from the UKRI Chapter and several reports from the Hong Kong chapter are also included.

Have you done something exciting lately? Received an award or professional recognition? Be sure to contact your editors about submitting an article. And don’t miss the Who’s Who in OES article on one of our outstanding members in each issue. Want to participate as a technology speaker? See the Call for Distinguished Lecturer nominations in this issue.

There is a wealth of other information and articles in this issue that we hope you enjoy. And, as always, we’ll close by inviting you to participate in your society. Submit articles and material for the Beacon. Or . . . volunteer for other society activities as a participant or an elected officer. It’s your society and it is here to help you reach your professional goals. Enjoy.