Welcome to IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society

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OES Beacon

Stay Current, Stay Connected

BEACON is the quarterly newsletter for OES members to keep updated on Chapter news, student activities, technical activities, member highlights and more.

Beacon Editorial Board

Harumi Sugimatsu – harumis@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Robert L. Wernli – rwernli@san.rr.com, bobwernli@gmail.com

Associate Editors

Masakazu Arima, Toshihiro Maki, Takumi Matsuda
Katsunori Mizuno, Takeshi Nakatani, Takahiro Sano
Farley Shane, Blair Thornton

Contributing Editors:

USA—Stan Chamberlain

Canada—James S. Collins

England—Blair Thornton
France—Philippe Courmontague
Germany—Christoph Waldmann
Scotland—John Watson

Australia—Mal Heron
China – Lian Lian
India—M. A Atmanand
Japan – Hayato Kondo
Korea—Son Cheol Yu
Singapore—Venu Pallayil
Taiwan—Jenhwa Guo

BEACON is the newsletter for OES members.
We welcome submissions of Chapter news, Student Activities, Technical Activities, Member Highlights, etc., from our members.
BEACON is published four times a year.

The deadline for manuscript submissions is as follows

  • March issue: February 14
  • June issue: May 14
  • September issue: August 14
  • December issue: November 14

Submit the article to Editor-in-Chief and Co-Editor-in-Chief
Harumi Sugimatsu: harumis@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Robert L. Wernli: rwernli@san.rr.com, bobwernli@gmail.com

Download the article template:

Please feel free to submit articles.
From BEACON Editorial Board

Recent Issue:
March 2025, Volume 14, Issue 1 (Only PDF)

OES Beacon Newsletter PDF Archive

Request a paper copy of the OES Beacon!
Here is how to get your paper copies of the OES Beacon in the future. OES members need to contact the IEEE Contact Center at 1-800-678-4333 or 1-732-981-0060- Monday thru Friday- 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM EST, alternatively you can send an email to the IEEE Contact Center at contactcenter@ieee.org with your name, IEEE member number and your request to receive your paper copy of the OES Beacon.


Stay Connected with OES members across the seas

For more information or questions, contact Editor-in-Chief at harumis@iis.u-tokyo.ac.jp