Welcome to IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society

Publications & Resources


Inspiring Progress in Earth and Ocean Observers

Welcome to Earthzine, the online resource for the latest in Earth and Ocean observations, science, and technology. Run my IEEE OES volunteers, Earthzine inspires and connect a global community of Earth observers, fostering awareness and promoting the sustainable stewardship of our planet.

Earthzine covers a wide range of topics surrounding;

  • Earth and Oceans and their observation,
  • Environmental policy,
  • Education,
  • Career and Mentorship, and
  • Oceanic Engineering society events.
Earthzine Editorial Board

Going Beyond Technical Articles

Explore Our Quarterly Themes

Dive into our themed issues, each spearheaded by subject-matter experts serving as Guest Editors. Get in-depth coverage and expert insights into Earth and Ocean observation.

Stay Informed with In-Focus

Keep up with monthly focus topics that provide timely and relevant content, highlighting the latest developments and news in various topical areas.

Join Our Virtual Poster Sessions

Immerse yourself in the innovative world of Earth observation through Earthzine’s Virtual Poster Sessions. Discover student projects, workshop outcomes, and products from diverse programs and organizations.

Nurture Your Writing Skills

Are you an aspiring writer with a passion for Earth observation and scientific communication? Join our Writing Fellowship program and develop your skills while contributing to our global community.

To find out more about Earthzine, check out https://earthzine.org/


Be part of the conversation

To contribute your insights and research to Earthzine, contact earthzineeditor@ieee.org.