2022 Presidential Award

The Oceanic Engineering Society honored Michael Romer with this year’s Presidential Award for his leadership of the OES Houston Chapter (2011-2016) and long-standing commitment to the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC). Michael served on the OTC Technical Program Committee (2011-present) and on the OES Technical Program Subcommittee (2014-present).
Michael is a Principle Artificial Lift Engineer at ExxonMobil and is currently a member of the Completions & Well Management team in the ExxonMobil Upstream Integrated Solutions Company in Houston. He has been with ExxonMobil for more than 15 years, learning, deploying, developing, and teaching artificial lift solutions in US Production, Global Production Operations, and Upstream Research. Michael’s current research/technology interests include artificial lift, production surveillance and optimization, and inflow/outflow modeling.
He holds BS and MS degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Tennessee and the University of Illinois, respectively. Michael was awarded Young Engineer of the Year in 2014 by the IEEE Houston Section during Engineer’s Week Houston.
Michael is the Secretary of the ALRDC Board of Directors, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Subcommittee Chair for the Offshore Technology Conference and is active in various SPE AL events and the API 19G Subcommittee.
The OES contribution to the OTC technical program is substantial, and our impact on that event is powered by people like Michael. Everyone who meets and works with Michael on OTC or any other activity knows that he is an incredibly smart, hard worker, and a joy to work with. Thank you for your contributions, Michael.
IEEE OES Presidential Award
Title: IEEE OES Presidential Award
Description. The award will be presented to an OES member giving volunteer time on a regular basis. This award allows the Society to recognize the work done by an individual at a more basic level, i.e. not in the Administration of the Society. The purpose is to fill in a gap between a simple “thanks” and a Distinguished Service Award.
Administration. Administered by the Oceanic Engineering Society
Eligibility. The recipient shall be a member of the IEEE in good standing of at least the grade of Graduate Student Member, and a member of the Oceanic Engineering Society. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.
Prize Items. Medallion plaque
Frequency: Annual. The award will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified.
Funds. Potential cost of a conference registration, lodging and travel for the recipient if not already a registrant of the conference where the award is presented. The award itself has no cash prize. The society’s budget includes the expenses for this award and the Society budget is net positive with the inclusion of the award.
Nominee Solicitation. No solicitation outside the Executive Committee. The President would make the selection with recommendations from the Executive Committee (ExCom) and review from the Awards Committee.
Awards Committee. The Panel for the Presidential Award shall be the Junior Past President as Chair, the Senior Past President, and another Past President.
Schedule. This Award is internal to the OES governance. The selection must be made by the end of June.
Selection/Basis for Judging. The President will make the selection based on returns from the Awards Committee and input from the Executive Committee. The selection will be based on the merit and the level of involvement into Society activities.
Presentation. The Award will be presented at the Fall OCEANS conference.
Publicity. There is no call for this Award.
Past IEEE OES Presidential Award Recipients
2023 Bharath Kalyan
2022 Michael Romer
2021 N/A
2020 Carl Michael Pinto
2019 Mohd Rizal Arshad
2018 Venugopalan Pallayil
2017 Philippe Courmontagne
2016 M. A. Atmanand
2015 Franz S. Hover
2014 Harumi Sujimatsu