Distinguished Lecturers
The following OES members (Drs. Yuh and Nunziata) have been appointed as the latest Distinguished Lecturers (DLs) for the period 2023-25. The Chapters and Student Branch Chapters are highly encouraged to take advantage of their expertise and get enriched from their experience in related fields. The DLs may work directly with the relevant groups and fix the date and time of their lectures. Keep the VP for Technical Activities informed once a lecture has been finalized. DLs are advised to announce their availability and topics for lectures on OES website. DLs can be advertised through IEEE eNotices, Beacon Newsletter and Earthzine magazine. Please provide details of the talk to VPTA who would help to publicize this through various social media channels.
Request for OES Distinguished Lecturers Nominations
Distinguished Lecture – John Potter- 21 September
Mandar Chitre
Mandar is an Assoc. Professor at National University of Singapore. He is a Senior Member of IEEE (OES) and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Oceanic Engineering (JoE). Mandar has expertise and experience in many areas of underwater acoustics such as underwater communications, signal processing, especially in non-gaussian environments and marine robotics. He has given talks in many international conferences and forums including UN. IEEE OES community will be highly benefited from the sharing of his knowledge and perspectives in the areas of his expertise through DLs. His nomination was endorsed by the Underwater Communications, Navigation and Positioning Committee, of which he is also a Co-Chair.
Shyam Madhusudhana
Shyam has 16 years of research experience spread across both industry and academia. Data science and machine learning in the field of marine bioacoustics is relatively new and is an emerging area of research. The appointment of Shyam as a DL will help to excite the OES members, especially the student community, and coach them to be proficient in this emerging field of research. Shyam is an IEEE (OES) Senior Member and is a Post-doctoral Research Associate at Cornell Lab of Ornithology, USA. He serves as a reviewer for reputed journals such as Journal of Ocean Engineering, JASA, Applied Acoustics, etc. He has been endorsed by the Data Analytics, Integration and Modeling (DAIMS) Committee. Data Science and Machine Learning as applied to marine bioacoustics, Automation and modeling are some of the areas Shyam has the expertise on and will be offered as part of his DLs.
Eliza Michalopoulou
Eliza has been with the New Jersey Institute of Technology since 1994 and currently a Professor there. She is also the Chair of Department of Math-Science. She is a senior member of IEEE (OES) and a Fellow of ASA. She also has been an Assoc. Editor for Journal of Acoustical Society of America (JASA) and IEEE OES. Her nomination was endorsed by the Underwater Acoustics Committee. Inversion problems, sediment characterisation, multi-path localisation, etc., are some of the areas where Eliza has her expertise and proposes to give her DLs.
Milica Stojanovic
Boston, MA
Endorsed by the Underwater Communication, Navigation, & Positioning (UNCP) Technology Committee.
Signal processing for acoustic communications
Multi-carrier modulation/detection for acoustic channels
Statistical characterization of underwater acoustic communication channels
Multiple access in underwater acoustic systems
Reliable transmission over acoustic channels
Dr. Ferdinando Nunziata
Ferdinando Nunziata is an Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering, Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope Centro Direzionale Isola, Naples, Italy. He had also held positions like Visiting Scientist at the Danish Meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark and Guest Professor at the Shanghai Ocean University, College of Marine Science, Shanghai, China. Ferdinando has widely published his work both in international conferences and journals. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of OES since 2016. He serves as a reviewer for international journals and has been serving as session chair for many international conferences.
Ferdinando can give talks on the following topics:
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) for coastal observation and
- Microwave radiometer for coastal applications
Itzik Klein
Itzik Klein is an Assistant Professor, heading the Autonomous Navigation and Sensor Fusion Lab, at the Charney School of Marine Sciences, Hatter Department of Marine Technologies, University of Haifa. He is an IEEE Senior Member and a member of the IEEE Journal of Indoor and Seamless Positioning and Navigation (J-ISPIN) Editorial Board. Prior to joining the University of Haifa, he worked at leading companies in Israel on navigation topics for more than 15 years. He has a wide range of experience in navigation systems and sensor fusion from both industry and academic perspectives. His research interests lie in the intersection of artificial intelligence with inertial sensing, sensor fusion, and autonomous underwater vehicles.
- Autonomous underwater vehicle navigation
- Deep inertial sensing for marine robotics
- Data-driven approaches for AUV navigation
John R. Potter
John R. Potter has a joint honours Mathematics and Physics Degree and a PhD. in Glaciology and Oceanography from studying Antarctic ice mass balance, where he spent four summers. This work helped underscore the non-linear fragility of polar regions to climate change and led to him receiving the Polar Medal from Queen Elizabeth II in 1988.
He has 45 years’ experience in marine and glaciological research, from University positions (NUS, NTNU), research institute roles (BAS, SIO, NUS, NTNU) and NATO research and senior management (Saclant ASW Centre, NURC, CMRE) across Europe, the US and Asia. He is now a Full Professor at NTNU in Norway. His scientific specialisations are glaciology, polar oceanography, acoustics, ambient noise, marine mammals, autonomous vehicles, machine intelligence, communications, distributed sensing networks, ocean advocacy and environmental conservation.
Frustrated by two decades of failure to promote ecosystem and climate awareness, in 2004 he took a 14-month ‘seabbatical’ with his family to circumnavigate the Indian Ocean by sailboat on a sponsored voyage of research, public outreach and education with a focus on the increasing degradation of the marine environment and mankind’s failed stewardship of this unique and beautiful blue planet.
Prof. Potter also has 10 years’ experience facilitating, coaching & training personal performance & leadership skills, change-management, team building, relationship management & corporate strategy.
Prof. Potter is a Fellow of the IEEE and MTS, International Fellow of the Explorers Club, Associate Editor for the IEEE JOE and JASA, Lifetime Member Marine Mammal Society, PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer, TDI Nitrox and ECC Rebreather Diver and sometime General Aviation Pilot (Gliders and Gyrocopters).
It is no longer true that he neither owns nor operates a television.
- From the Internet of Underwater Things to the bigger picture of 6G – from Seabed to Space.
- Distributed Acoustic Sensing in the ocean – opportunities and synergies
Mohd Rizal Arshad
Mohd Rizal Arshad is a full professor at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia, where he specializes in ocean robotics technology and intelligent system. He received his B.Eng. in Medical Electronics & Instrumentation and PhD in Electronic Engineering from University of Liverpool, UK in 1994 and 1999, respectively. He completed his MSc. in Electronic Control Engineering from the University of Salford, UK in Dec 1995. He has supervised many postgraduate students and published extensively in local and international publications. He is a senior member of the IEEE, and was awarded IEEE OES Presidential Award in 2019.
- Novel marine robotics platform
- Intelligent system & methods
- Robust sensor design
Peng Ren
Peng Ren is a full professor with the College of Oceanography and Space Informatics, China University of Petroleum (East China). He is the director of Qingdao International Research Center for Intelligent Forecast and Detection of Oceanic Catastrophes. He received the K. M. Scott Prize from the University of York, the Natural Science award (first rank) from China Institute of Electronics, and the Eduardo Caianiello Best Student Paper Award from 18th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing as one co-author. He has served as an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
- Underwater Imaging with Machine Learning
- Ocean Remote Sensing and Forecast with Machine Learning
Suleman Mazhar
Suleman Mazhar has been working as a professor in Information & Communication Engineering at Harbin Engineering University (China) since July 2019. He did PhD from Tokyo University (Japan) and postdoctorate from Georgetown University (Washington DC, USA). He had BS-CS from FAST-NUCES (Lahore) and MS from GIK Institute (Pakistan). He is TYSP young scientist fellow (Ministry of Science & Technology China) and have won several research grants from international organizations such as DAAD (Germany), ICIMOD (Nepal), NRPU (Higher Education Commission Pakistan), WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature) Pakistan. His research focus is deep learning and signal processing applications for environmental monitoring, with particular focus on underwater acoustics, and marine mammal conservation. He is a reviewer for professional journals such as Journal of Acoustical Society (America), IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Sensors Journal, Applied Acoustics, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
- Pros/cons and common pitfalls of machine/deep learning approaches for bioacoustics for marine conservation and underwater communication
- Basics of underwater acoustics & communication and demonstrations of underwater acoustic/communication applications
Ralph Rayner
Ralph Rayner is a professorial research fellow at the London School of Economics, Grantham Research Institute on Climate and the Environment. In addition, he serves as Industry Liaison at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Integrated Ocean Observing System Program Office.
Ralph has over forty years of experience in commercial ocean science and technology having held leadership positions in a number of ocean science and technology businesses around the world.
Ralph plays an active part in a number of learned societies and professional bodies concerned with ocean science and technology and is a fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology (IMarEST), the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT), the Marine Technology Society (MTS), the Royal Meteorological Society, the American Meteorological Society (AMS), the Oceanic Engineering Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers and the Royal Institution.
He is a past President of the Society for Underwater Technology and is co-chair of the IMarEST Operational Oceanography Special Interest Group. He serves as Editor in Chief for the Journal of Operational Oceanography and is a member of the editorial boards of International Ocean Systems and the journal of Underwater Technology.
Tomonari Akamatsu
Tomonari Akamatsu is the specialist of underwater bioacoustics. He received a master degree of physics from Tohoku University in 1989 and PhD of Agriculture from Nihon University in 1996. He dedicated underwater bioacoustics research at National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering until 2015. As a visiting scholar, he studied biologging science at National Institute of Polar Research in 1997 and fish auditory physiology at University of Kentucky during 1999-2000. He was a senior research fellow and the director of Policy Research Division of Ocean Policy Research Institute, the Sasakawa Peace Foundation during 2020-2024. Currently, he is a professor at Waseda University, and serves for domestic and international bodies such as IEEE/OES, ISO, IUCN and Government committees.
Weimin Huang
Weimin Huang is a Full Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Memorial University, Canada. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. He has been an Associate Editor for seven journals including the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, and a reviewer for more than 120 different journals. He is the Chair of IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society (OES) CWTMA Technology Committee and was the General Co-Chair and the Technical Program Co-Chair for the IEEE OES 13th Currents, Waves, and Turbulence Measurement Workshop. He was a recipient of a Post-Doctoral Fellowship from the Memorial University, the Discovery Accelerator Supplements Award from NSERC in 2017, and IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society 2019 Letters Prize Paper Award as well as some other teaching and research awards. He has authored or coauthored more than 300 refereed research articles. He has a broad expertise in remote sensing with main research interests in ocean remote sensing using high frequency (HF) radar, microwave marine radar (MMR), and global navigation satellite system – reflectometry (GNSS-R).
- Sea surface wind, wave and current measurement using X-band marine radar
- Sea surface wind, wave, current mapping by HF radar
- Sea ice, wave and wind sensing with GNSS-R
Ye Li
Ye Li is the Founding Director of Australia-China Joint Center for Offshore Wind and Wave Energy Harnessing Technology and a Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology, China. He is a senior member of IEEE, a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers and Fellow of Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers. He is internationally recognized for his expertise in ocean renewables and technology for his extensive works in theoretical, numerical and experimental studies on fluid-structure interaction. He has been an associate editor of Wind Energy, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy, and many others. Until now, Dr.Li has published over 100 papers in archived journals and over 100 patents. Prior to current position, He was a senior scientist at U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory where he led the ocean power effort, and then Professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University where he was the Founding Director of 300 meter long Multiple Function Tank.