March 2019 OES Beacon

Member Benefits—Did You know?

Your Action Required
This Could be Your Last Paper Copy of the BEACON!

As an OES Member, You Must “Opt-In” to Continue

Receiving Your Paper Copy of the OES Beacon Newsletter

The OES Beacon newsletter is published on the OES website in both pdf and Html form. This will continue and you will be notified when each issue is on line. However, if you wish to retain your paper copy of the Beacon you must take one of the following actions.

When renewing your membership and to “opt-in” to retain the print edition of the OES Beacon, please select “Customize Options” in the Cart and check the box for print.

  • If you have auto-renew of your membership, it is suggested that you go on line and renew manually so that you can access the publication options and opt-in to the print version. Or, you can follow the instruction in the third option below.
  • If you renewed and did not opt-in to retain the paper copy, or if you have a problem doing so, you can call the contact center and ask them to provide the print copy and they will do it. Below is the information for the contact center and support center.
IEEE Contact Center

IEEE Contact Center employees are ready to assist you 24/5, Sunday 4:30 p.m. ET to Friday 4:30 p.m. ET. Email: Phone: +1 800 678 4333 (USA and Canada) +1 732 981 0060 (Worldwide) Fax: +1 732 562 6380.